What Is Sebaceous Hyperplasia?

The Expert Knowledge
6 min readOct 21, 2022


Sebaceous hyperplasia is a typical skin condition where the organs that cause oil for the skin to get large. It can cause knocks on the skin that are typically tissue hued and smooth or marginally lopsided and coarse to the touch.1

The knocks are many times brought about by hindered hair follicles.

Sebaceous hyperplasia typically doesn’t disappear without treatment, however the knocks are additionally innocuous and don’t be guaranteed to should be dealt with. Sebaceous hyperplasia isn’t infectious.

This article surveys the side effects and reasons for sebaceous hyperplasia. It likewise takes a gander at the manners in which it very well may be recognized from specific kinds of skin disease. You’ll likewise find out about different treatment choices.

Sebaceous Hyperplasia Side effects

Sebaceous hyperplasia can show up as a solitary knock or various knocks in a group or line. The knocks range from 1 or 2 mm to a few millimeters in size. They are many times a similar variety as your skin yet may likewise look white to yellow marginally.

The knocks don’t do any harm or tingle. However, they might drain assuming you push them or shave over them.

Sebaceous hyperplasia most frequently creates on the face. The most well-known spots to find them are the temple, cheeks, and nose. Babies frequently have knocks on the upper lip. Extraordinarily, the knocks can show up in different spots, for example,

  1. Back and chest
  2. Shoulders
  3. Areola, the hazier skin encompassing the areola
  4. Penis
  5. Scrotum
  6. Vulva

Sebaceous hyperplasia knocks don’t typically disappear all alone. One special case is babies. Their knocks for the most part vanish inside a couple of months.

Skin inflammation or Sebaceous Hyperplasia?

Since the knocks appear to be like non-aggravated skin inflammation breakouts, the condition is at times mistaken for comedonal skin inflammation.

On the off chance that you look carefully, however, you might see a discouraged or pitted region in the focal point of the knock. You may likewise have the option to see small veins inside. These are pieces of information you’re not managing skin inflammation.

What Causes Sebaceous Hyperplasia?

Sebaceous hyperplasia knocks are not rashes or developments. Rather, they are developed sebaceous organs. These are little organs underneath the skin. They are available all around the body, aside from the palms and bottoms of the feet. They produce an oil called sebum. This oil keeps skin greased up and solid.

Sebaceous hyperplasia is brought about by an excess of sebocytes. These are exceptional cells that make up the sebaceous glands.3 The overabundance cells amplify the sebaceous organ, causing it to grow a few times bigger than ordinary.

A few variables can add to sebaceous hyperplasia. The greatest one is chemical changes. There likewise is by all accounts a hereditary connection. Assuming somebody in your family has sebaceous hyperplasia, you’re more inclined to creating it as well.

At times, sebaceous hyperplasia might be connected to sun exposure.


Androgens are male sex chemicals. These chemicals, particularly testosterone, animate sebaceous organs to make more oil. Their job is exceptionally obvious during pubescence, when an enormous expansion in androgens leads numerous youngsters to have slick skin.

With age, androgens decline. This eases back sebaceous organ action and oil creation. Cell turnover dials back also. This is the rate at which dead cells in the sebaceous organs are supplanted with new ones. The dead cells back up inside the organ, making it grow.

Risk Variables

Sebaceous hyperplasia is more normal as you progress in years. It doesn’t as a rule show up until middle age or later.1 The condition influences all kinds of people about similarly. It’s seen most considered normal in individuals with light or light complexion. Certain individuals with a family background of sebaceous hyperplasia might get it at a whole lot sooner age, however this is more extraordinary.

Long haul utilization of the immunosuppressive medication cyclosporine has likewise been connected to sebaceous hyperplasia. Individuals who have had transfers and are taking this medication are bound to create the condition.5

Babies frequently foster the condition, as well. This is a direct result of chemicals passed from mother to youngster. In children, sebaceous hyperplasia frequently shows up close by child skin break out.

Diagnosing Sebaceous Hyperplasia

Your PCP can ordinarily determine sebaceous hyperplasia to have a straightforward visual review. In the event that there’s any inquiry regarding the determination, however, your primary care physician might arrange a skin biopsy. This will assist with precluding different circumstances like skin malignant growth.

Some of the time it very well may be difficult to differentiate between sebaceous hyperplasia and a skin malignant growth called basal cell carcinoma.1 Basal cell carcinoma frequently shows up on the head or neck. It looks like a glossy, raised, and round pimple, scar, or sore.

A biopsy can likewise assist with precluding sebaceous organ carcinoma. This uncommon, slow-developing disease shows up as a firm, yellowish bump. It frequently shows up on the eyelid, and it might drain and seem to be a pimple or sore that doesn’t mend. It might likewise mend and afterward reappear.8

Muir-Torre condition is an interesting acquired infection. It is a variation of Lynch condition. Patients with this condition at higher gamble for creating sebaceous organ carcinoma.

How Sebaceous Hyperplasia is Dealt

There is no clinical need to treat sebaceous hyperplasia. Grown-ups may decide to treat the knocks for restorative reasons. It’s likewise fine to simply leave them alone.

You can’t press sebaceous hyperplasia knocks. This is on the grounds that there is nothing inside that can be extricated. As a matter of fact, crushing them can really make them become excited or drain.

There are a couple of treatment choices accessible. Your outcomes will rely upon variables, for example,

The quantity of knocks you have

Your age

  1. Your skin type
  2. How your skin responds to sun openness
  3. Professionally prescribed Drugs

Professionally prescribed drugs might assist with holding new knocks back from framing. Choices include:

  1. Effective retinoids
  2. Azelaic corrosive

These prescriptions accelerate the skin’s normal cell turnover rate. They may likewise cause existing knocks to seem more modest. However, these skin medicines presumably will not dispose of every one of your knocks.

In the event that you have an extreme case, your PCP might endorse Accutane (isotretinoin). This is an oral prescription that contracts sebaceous glands.3 This treatment is compelling, however knocks might return after the medication is halted. Accutane additionally can’t be utilized during pregnancy.

At last, antiandrogen drugs can be utilized in ladies with the condition. These include:

  1. Certain contraception pills
  2. Aldactone (spironolactone)
  3. These meds block the impact of testosterone on the skin.


There are likewise a few in-office methodology that treat sebaceous hyperplasia. These medicines frequently give quicker and more clear improvement. In any case, there is a gamble of skin staining or scarring. The condition may likewise repeat after the methodology.

Choices include:

  1. Laser restoring: A laser conveys a frequency of light into your skin. The light targets, warms, and annihilates amplified sebaceous organs.
  2. Photodynamic treatment: A compound substance that ingests light is applied to your skin. Then, light treatment is utilized to lessen the number and size of sebaceous glands.10
  3. Cryotherapy: Fluid nitrogen is showered onto the impacted region of the skin. This freezes the knocks so they evaporate and tumble off.
  4. Searing or electrodesiccation: A sharp needle is warmed with an electrical charge. When embedded into a knock, the knock quickly evaporates.
  5. Extraction: Knocks are shaved or removed.

Home Cures

A warm pack might assist with lessening the size of the knocks and any irritation you might have. However, it won’t assist them with disappearing.

Sun openness might assume a part in the improvement of sebaceous hyperplasia. Everyday use of sunscreen with a SPF of a most un-30 might assist with forestalling the beginning or deteriorating of the condition.

