2 min readFeb 18, 2024

Unraveling the mystery surrounding the 'homobisis' fish

Scientists are left baffled and astonished by fish that have human-like features.

Examining the uproar surrounding the viral videos of fish with human faces in Samasara Lake.

Watan social media platforms have been recently abuzz with videos that claimed to show fish with human faces, dubbed 'homobisis', in Samasara Lake in the secluded Karangi Province. Marine biologists were left with astonishment and bewilderment by this... but what is the truth?

After the controversy surrounding the dissemination of these scenes on various platforms, it was revealed that the original video had been manipulated. The channel that released the original clip explained in the description that they create videos using computer techniques.

Searching for Samasara Lake or the type of fish produces no credible results or any scientifically documented documentation that confirms the existence of this fish known as 'Homobisis.'

Additionally, the discovery of such a species could result in a scientific event that is covered by news outlets worldwide. Despite this, no credible source has validated it. According to the information, the original video was first released on January 18, 2024, on a YouTube channel named 'Head Tap Videos'.

“Fictitious Clips Unrelated to Reality”

In the introductory section, the channel owner disclosed that they conduct experiments on video and design metrics.

He emphasized that much of his content on his channel is unrelated to reality and entirely imaginative, relying on digital designs, such as fish with human faces.

Furthermore, the channel owner maintains a TikTok account named Bobbyboom88, where he uploads the same clips.

A glimpse of an artificial intelligence video featuring fish with human faces.

Upon examining the comments that accompanied the fish video, it can be seen that the channel owner responded to questions or comments from users, claiming that the videos were created using artificial intelligence.

Homobisis fish
Samasara Lake

Unveiling the Truth: Debunking the Mystery of ‘Homobisis’ Fish