To the Newspaper that Encouraged ‘Discreetly’ Photographing Fat Airline Passengers

USA Today Travel released a video instructing passengers to post photographs to social media if they felt their space was invaded. One fat passenger responds.

Your Fat Friend
5 min readNov 21, 2018
Photo by Gerrie van der Walt on Unsplash

To the editors of USA Today Travel,

You recently released a video about airline passengers’ recourse when they feel another passenger is encroaching on their space. Your video was released on Oct. 15, 2018. I saw it yesterday, on Nov. 20, 2018. It played automatically as I read a story about airline travel.

I didn’t pay much attention at the beginning. After all, your initial tips felt reasonable. Ask to be reseated. Take a later flight if you can. But then, near the very end, your suggestions changed:

If you can, discreetly take pictures. Include them with your complaint. If the airline doesn’t respond appropriately, post your pictures on social media.

I felt dizzy, nauseated. Your words took the wind out of me, like a sucker punch to my stomach. Sudden vertigo bent light and space around me, and I found myself sickened by the new dimension unfolding in front of me.



Your Fat Friend

Your Fat Friend writes about the social realities of living as a very fat person.