How Brand Ambassadors Can Improve Your Brand’s Image?

Emily Lyons
4 min readJun 19, 2019


“An ambassador is just not simply an agent; he is also a spectacle” - Walter Bagehot

We all know the boom going on in the industries for brand ambassadors. Everyone wants to rope in the best popular and sensational celebrities for them. But why do we need a brand ambassador for our company? Because every brand needs a familiar face to whom the consumers can adapt to. This is just the basic ideology of a brand ambassador but let us know in detail what they are and what purpose they serve.

What is a brand ambassador?

Naturally the person needs to be someone who shares the same values as that of the brand and its consumers along with promoting the brand and presenting it in the best way. When we have a well-known celebrity or a niche endorsing your brand it increases your possibilities of expanding your reach, improving your online and offline presence along with penetrating different markets. The ulterior motive behind this is it adds a certain air of credibility to your brand and convinces the target audiences that your quality and reputation is just well up to the mark.

Why are brand ambassadors important?

There are loads of reasons of why a brand ambassador is important. So, let’s just dive into it and know some of the benefits of picking up the right brand ambassadors and including them in your marketing campaigns-

1. Making your brand humanized- Interacting with faceless brands is what no one prefers. So even if you cannot pick up a well-known celebrity for your brand make sure that your brand ambassador is someone who can embody the values of your company in the right way. It’s always better to go for a micro-influence as they have small but devoted and highly loyal fan following. This calls for a double advantage as even if your budget is tight, you still get a familiar face to your business without giving a lot of money.

2. A top brand ambassador for a high reach- While running a small brand it is ought to be spread to your potential customers as much as possible. Social media is one of the ways to do it, but we cannot shrug off the fact that the chances of growing organic followers are more difficult so at last we need to resort to paid ads. Even if your Facebook ads are precisely aiming your target audience, it still needs a powerful identity or a voice for boosting it. That’s where the shiny stars come to your rescue by putting in their words which does good for your business and impacts a vast audience. But make sure to keep track of your metrics just like any other marketing strategy and make sure to pick the right tools and keep an eye on how your strategies perform.

3. Picking up high quality traffic for your website- Content is one of the most essential digital marketing strategies therefore your website needs to be regularly updated with posts and articles. But along with producing a good source of content an effective SEO strategy is a must so that you don’t lose upon a good stream of visitors from your site. You must need to stand out differently from the crowd of the results in SERP’s and SEO will definitely show you the way there. So, your strategy will involve back linking that means if authority website’s links point towards your website then your rankings will improve significantly. But it only works when the authority part is taken into consideration and not the hundreds of no name, dubious link back to your content. But if a brand ambassador is added to this whole plan it will definitely give you an additional push. If your brand ambassador’s website owns a high domain authority, it will help you in a way for your content and direct it to google that your content is helpful and relevant. It is just like killing two birds at a time with one stone where beside is promoting your website and directly sending you traffic by giving your links in their content so brand ambassadors not only increase your digital reputation but also help you get on the top of google rankings.

4. Taking your online reputation to a new level- We all know many big brands face the wrath of the public online when they make blunders that can affect their reputation may it be their controversial posts or ads. This seems to tarnish their reputation and believe me this can happen with the best therefore a backup crisis strategy in order is necessary. At such time an apology to the general public can fix your image to a certain level along with the support of your brand ambassador. But the flow of bad comments and negative publicity are the issues we can encounter during this period. That’s when the brand ambassadors need to stand out with the brand and carry their work off with a positive word-of-mouth due to which their honest and dedicated followers will actually acknowledge your words and believe you.

Therefore, even if hiring a popular brand ambassador seems like an unnecessary expense to you, but it’s an actual big investment that will ultimately pay you off in the future.



Emily Lyons

We feature best event staff & management which include brand ambassadors & promotional models.