Why the Fuck Should I Watch: DAY SHIFT (2022)?

the WTF critic
4 min readSep 26, 2022

Why the fuck should you watch “Day Shift”?

· You like all the vampire movies. And I mean ALL of them. Yes, including the Twilight movies…

· There’s nothing better to get yourself going in the mornings than watching some brutal vampire kills!

· Your favorite actor is Jamie Foxx. Also, you like his abs a lot and want to get a peek of those…

· Sadly, you are blind, so you like when movies give their stories verbally — with talking. Tell and never show, is the way to go!

Source: https://www.imdb.com/

I have a riddle for you: Take Blade, take Men in Black and take Jamie Foxx, mix them up in Netflix-cup, and what do you get? Take your time, think it through. No rush. Well, brighter ones already know the answer, which is DAY SHIFT. I postponed watching this movie for quite some time because for some reason I thought it’s gonna suck. But I must tell you, after watching it, I really think that it indeed was a waste of time. Let me get into details now:

The Plot: Vampire hunter Bud (Jamie Foxx) does his job and kills vampires to earn money. One day he kills some important vampire, so immediately one super-vampire Audrey (Klara Souza) shows up for revenge and not much time can past until we are in the same overused cliché: “I have your family, I will kill you, but not when I…

