Why the Fuck Should I Watch: AVENGERS: ENDGAME

the WTF critic
5 min readMay 1, 2019

(may contain spoilers)

Why the fuck should you watch “Avengers: Endgame”?
• Omg omg omg, it’s here!
• You think why aren’t there more fat superheroes.
• You like the new Marvel theme — things actually have consequences.
• Peer pressure is massive and you don’t want to be one of those people, who hasn’t seen the box office record breaking Marvel movie in which everyone… hehehe.
• You like the film version of being in a bathtub that is filled with shiny top brand candy and instead of water you are sprayed with fan service providing sticky liquids, eem what.

Robert Downey Jr. as Iron man. Source: https://66.media.tumblr.com

You know the feeling, when you were a kid and the Christmas finally came (to get socks for a present). You know the feeling when you go to school for the whole year and then the summer vacation finally comes. You know the feeling when you are pregnant and the child finally comes after 16 hours of cruciating pain. Well, this is nothing compared to waiting for the Avengers: Endgame and finally seeing it. All the previous movies were a pregame… aka foreplay (hehe). Now it’s time to end it. Yees. Let’s end it epically! The very last MCU mov…BTW a new Spider-Man movie comes in 3 months. Marvel never does only 3 rounds of anything, boy!

