Why the Fuck Should I Watch: GREEN BOOK (2018)?

the WTF critic
3 min readJan 14, 2019

Why the fuck should you watch “Green Book”?
• You haven’t smiled once since 1997 because you’re still sad that Rose didn’t make any room for DiCaprio on the floating wreckage and let him die in “Titanic”.
• You believe that everyone can change for the better.
• You like naive but sincere stories that make you giggle, while feeding you some important values that make you function as a normal person in our strange societies.
• You haven’t answered your mother’s calls for a while and you want to compensate it by taking her to see this crowd pleasing Oscar-bait.

Green Book is a true events inspired dramedy that deals with the topic: segregation and racism in the early 60’s in the USA. There are two main characters. One is an Italian-American called Tony Lip (the chubby Aragon aka Viggo Mortensen) — a simple man, who works as a bouncer and has a good heart somewhere deep under rough, fat and racist surface. The other dude is a famous African-American pianist, sophisticated and snobbish Dr. Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali), who wants to go on a tour with his trio into the southern states of the USA (you know the place, where racism was especially fucked up).

