How to Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up

4 min readJun 27, 2024


Image by Wealth Tips on YouTube

Ever felt like throwing in the towel when the going gets tough? I’ve been there too.

But recently, I came across a method called the Cookie Jar Method, developed by David Goggins, that might just change the way you tackle challenges.

How the Cookie Jar Method Works

The Cookie Jar Method is straightforward yet powerful.

Imagine a cookie jar filled with your past achievements, big or small, and even your failures that you managed to overcome.

Each "cookie" represents a moment when you succeeded against the odds.

When you’re struggling, mentally reach into this jar and pull out a memory.

This act can remind you of your resilience and capability, giving you the boost to keep going.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Think of it as a personalized motivational tool. These cookies aren’t just about recalling your biggest wins; they also include the small victories that often go unnoticed.

Whether it’s washing the dishes, taking a shower, or simply getting out of bed on a tough day, each accomplishment is a testament to your strength.

By regularly reflecting on these moments, you reinforce a positive mindset and build an inner reservoir of confidence and perseverance that you can draw from whenever you need it.

The Ultramarathon that Tested Goggins' Limits

David Goggins embodies the Cookie Jar Method. In one instance, he ran a 100-mile ultramarathon with no prior training. At mile 70, his body was breaking down.

He reached into his mental cookie jar, remembering past victories and the pain he had endured before.

This mental shift allowed him to push through and complete the race.

His story shows that sometimes, our greatest achievements come from digging deep into our own history for strength.

“The only way to overcome is to hang in.” – Dan O’Brien

Goggins' ultramarathon experience is a powerful testament to the human spirit’s ability to overcome extreme adversity.

He started the race underprepared and faced intense physical pain, dehydration, and sheer exhaustion.

Yet, by tapping into his cookie jar, he recalled his Navy SEAL training, the grueling hours of pushing his limits, and the moments when he had already conquered seemingly impossible challenges.

This process not only reignited his determination but also provided a mental fortitude that transcended physical limitations.

Goggins' story illustrates that when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles, our past triumphs can serve as a beacon of hope and a source of immense strength.

Creating Your Own Cookie Jar

To effectively utilize the Cookie Jar Method, start by constructing your own cookie jar filled with past achievements and obstacles overcome.

Think of it as assembling a toolkit for resilience—a mental reservoir of victories, big and small.

These could be milestones like acing a difficult exam, overcoming a fear, or completing a challenging project at work

Each achievement is a valuable "cookie" that represents your strength and perseverance.

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Confucius

Once your cookie jar is filled, it becomes a powerful resource during tough times. Here’s how to implement it effectively:

  • Write It Down: Begin by listing your achievements and challenges. Writing them down makes them tangible and easier to recall when needed.
  • Regular Reflection: Take time regularly to reflect on your cookie jar, especially during moments of adversity. This reflection reinforces your resilience and helps maintain a positive mindset.
  • Stay Positive: Focus on what you’ve overcome rather than dwelling on setbacks. Your cookie jar is a collection of triumphs that remind you of your capabilities.
  • Use in Time of Adversity: When facing a new challenge or feeling like giving up, reach into your mental cookie jar. Recall a past victory to boost your confidence and motivation.

By integrating these steps into your routine, you’ll build a sustainable practice of resilience. Your cookie jar becomes more than a collection of memories—it’s a dynamic tool for personal growth and perseverance.

Why Listening to Your Body Matters

Listening to your body is not just about physical health; it’s a fundamental aspect of mental resilience and endurance.

Our bodies often signal fatigue, stress, or the need for rest long before our minds acknowledge it.

But remember, listen to your body, not your mind.

This distinction is crucial because our minds can sometimes push us beyond healthy limits in pursuit of goals or overcoming challenges.

Understanding your body’s signals allows you to navigate challenges more effectively.

When you recognize these signals, you prevent burnout and injury, which are common pitfalls in high-stress situations.

It’s not about weakness; it’s about recognizing that optimal performance requires a balance between effort and recovery.

Final Thoughts

By using the Cookie Jar Method, you can transform your mindset and find the strength to keep going, no matter the challenge.

So next time you feel like giving up, reach into your cookie jar and remind yourself of what you’re capable of achieving.

“The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.” – Robert Tew

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I'm Adam and I write mini essays about things I learned that could help you.