How Your Surroundings Are Sabotaging Your Goals

3 min readJun 20, 2024


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Have you ever wondered why some people seem to fall into addiction more easily than others? I did some research, and it turns out the environment plays a massive role.

There was this experiment called the Rat Park study that showed how rats in a stimulating environment with friends and activities rarely chose drugs over normal water.

This suggests that addiction is not just about the substance itself but also about the environment around us.

Let’s dive deeper into this idea and see how changing our surroundings might help us kill our addictions.

The Rat Park Experiment

In the 1970s, psychologist Bruce Alexander conducted a groundbreaking study that changed our understanding of addiction.

He created two environments for rats: one was a standard, isolated cage with only food, water, and two water bottles—one with normal water and the other laced with cocaine.

Image on 12 step philosophy

Unsurprisingly, the isolated rats often chose the drug-laced water and eventually overdosed.

However, in a different setup known as Rat Park, the rats lived in a large, enriched environment filled with toys, tunnels, greenery, and other rats to socialize with.

Remarkably, these rats showed little interest in the cocaine water, opting instead for the normal water and maintaining healthy social interactions.

This experiment underscores a vital point:

The environment in which we live significantly impacts our behaviors and choices.

Building Our Own Rat Park

Just like the rats in the isolated cages, humans often turn to addictive substances when they feel isolated or lack stimulation.

Imagine trying to quit smoking while being cooped up at home all day—it’s a difficult task.

The Rat Park experiment teaches us that creating a supportive, engaging environment can significantly reduce the appeal of bad habits.

Consider a person who quits smoking and replaces their indoor smoking habit with outdoor activities like taking a walk in the park.

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They not only break the cycle of addiction but also experience the health benefits and mental clarity that come from spending time in nature.

Simple Steps to Improve Your Environment

Improving your environment doesn’t mean you need to move to a new place or make drastic changes overnight.

Small, intentional changes can make a big difference. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Declutter your space: A tidy, organized space can reduce stress and create a sense of calmness.
Image on Abraham's Shredding
  • Add some greenery: Plants not only beautify your surroundings but also improve air quality and boost your mood.
Image on Architectural Digest
  • Clean your workspace before sleeping: Tidying up your workspace before sleeping can help you start the next day with a clear mind and focus.
Image on TruSens

Final Thoughts

Remember, overcoming addiction is a journey, not a destination. It requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to make changes.

By focusing on creating a better environment for ourselves, we can make significant steps in breaking free from bad habits.

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.

- John Muir

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