The First Pepe
2 min readAug 28, 2023

Travel back in time to a world before history was even written, where the Earth was wild and untouched. In this ancient era, there was a creature named Pepe who stood out with his vibrant green skin and a sparkle of mischief in his eyes. Pepe was different from the other creatures around him, and he had a quirky sense of humor that made him laugh at the simple things in life.

One day, while exploring a hidden nook in his untamed home, Pepe stumbled upon a series of strange markings carved into a rock. These primitive drawings seemed to tell stories from a time long forgotten, and Pepe found himself giggling as he tried to make sense of them. His laughter was a new sound in a world where animals only knew survival, and it was like a breath of fresh air.

The First Pepe 100 million years ago

Pepe realized that laughter was meant to be shared, and he felt a yearning for companionship. Drawing on some ancient magic of the world, he managed to create another Pepe just like himself. With newfound joy, they both stared at the quirky drawings and burst into laughter together. Their laughter rang out, filling the air and spreading like ripples in a pond.

As more Pepe creatures joined in the laughter, their little community became a hub of happiness in a tough world. Their laughter became a symbol of unity and the beauty of finding joy in each other’s company. Their stories spread through generations, and the quirky drawings that started it all became a cherished reminder of their origins.

As time marched forward, Pepe’s descendants evolved, carrying the memory of that very first laugh. The ancient drawings that had brought them together became a badge of their shared past, a symbol that even in the earliest times, laughter and connection were at the heart of humanity.

And so, from the laughter of the first Pepe, a legacy was born that defied the ages, transforming into a meme that would capture the hearts of people across time. This simple act of finding happiness in the past had woven a thread through history, showing that laughter had the incredible power to shape the stories of our lives.