Soul Stories

While We’re Young

A tale about the power of love, joy and happiness.

Edward James Herath


Baby while we’re young … sings Jhene Aiko in her beautiful ode to love, youth and the emotions that the two elements create. Love and youth are all too often swift, naive and fleeting. Yet the power they hold over us is quite simply inspirational.

For me, when the moment to run away from the daily routine arrived (leaving Amsterdam for instance), the stresses and strains of daily life gave way to a profound sense of calm, peace and tranquillity which filled the soul. It is then, and only then, when we are truly at peace, that we perhaps manifest and encounter those who leave you speechless, spellbound and indelibly captivated. They embody the principles and qualities that you’ve spent a whole lifetime searching for.

One look. She strode seductively into the room and sat down just a few yards away from me. Her long blonde hair, green/grey eyes, and svelte figure, stood apart from the rest. It was classical mythology made real … as though the Gods had forged and hemmed, carved and created her, as a testament to the power of femininity; Calypso, Aphrodite and Venus all rolled into one.

She looked across and as our eyes met, an eclectic electricity filled the air. Tension mixed with a mysterious, intoxicating chemistry. Fate and destiny collided and colluded. Like magnets drawn together, our souls danced blissfully together, safe in the knowledge that once the spark was lit, they would be dancing merrily in a warm fire long into the night. Stories and experiences were shared, and gleeful intrigue turned into playful desire. We flirted with love and played with lust. The playfulness transformed swiftly into lasciviously carnal knowledge, releasing unimaginable emotions.

When kissed, her eyes would simply sparkle and blink with delight. Her laughter, mellifluously melodic. Her skin was cool, light to the touch, and undeniably soft and sensuous. Her perfume … warm, mesmerising and unforgettable. Beautiful, passionate, fiercely driven and determined, she viewed life as a colourful cornucopia of hopes, goals and dreams. Fear, vulnerabilities and limits didn’t hinder her. They empowered her and made her love for life and all its elements truly unconditional.

Her friends, affectionate, kind and generous, embodied and personified every facet of her personality. She, more than anyone else, was the embodiment of the idea that love and joy are qualities and representations of the way you are. We overlooked each other’s flaws and fallibilities for something more powerful: the ability to empty each other’s minds. Embracing her and holding her took my mind, my heart and my soul, to another plane of existence.

However, somewhere deep down, in the farthest reaches of my mind, I knew that once again, fate and destiny would collude and collide to make certain that this encounter would be all too brief, all too short, and all too melancholic-ly sweet. In the space of a week, we had shared intimate, passionately beautiful moments, which would stand the test of time.

Whilst we’re still young, perhaps one day, when fate and destiny collide and collude once more, we’ll fulfil our potential. Unencumbered by divergent journeys, we’ll fill each other’s lives with happiness, dreams, comfort, love and joy.

Until we meet again.

I’m giving you my heart, please don’t break it
Take it and lock it up and put me in your pocket, love — Jhene Aiko

