
8 min readJul 7, 2022



#1. Be pilot面試的基本禮儀


首先,建議你從抵達應徵公司附近就要穿起你的戰衣,你永遠不知道你附近的人是否就是你的面試官,是吧?! 除此之外,請給自己30分鐘的預備時間,遲到是面試的大忌,如果你能給自己充裕時間準備,利用步行時刻,慢慢安定你的心情,這對於面試是有很大幫助的。

#2. Start with a small talk but keep it SHORT! 化解尷尬的小對話


你可以開啟一個small talk(這在英文學習上是非常重要的練習!),但請務必簡潔回答即可,如果是對方開啟這個對話,請試著讓這個small talk是個互動的對話,而不是一個Yes/No回答,你也可以試著以return questions來問對方哦!

Small talk話題可以從生活周邊事物開始。

所以請務必平常與自己練習small talk,這個方式可以幫助你拉近與人的距離,適用於任何場合!但是記住 -keep it Friendly and open!


l How was your weekend? It was great! We celebrated my birthday with the family. How about you?

l How are you doing? I am doing very well. It is such nice weather out there.

l Did you do any interesting over the weekend? Yes, I went to the beach and we had a picnic. That sounds nice. And you?


l Thanks so much for your coming in. It is my pleasure. Thanks so much for meeting with me.

l Do you have any trouble finding the office? No, the directions on the website were great.

l Do you like some water or coffee before we begin ? No, I am okay. Thank you!

接下來,我們即將進入面試必考題囉!請掌握重要原則,千萬不要死背你的答案,試著列下每一題的key points (free talk with some phrases),使用你自己的語言方式多練習幾次,讓它聽起來更流暢即可!

# 1. Tell me a little bit about yourself 自我介紹題


請不要念著你的自傳來當開頭My name is…….There are…………in my family.



l I studied at London University and graduated in 2021 with my master degree in Business.

l I’ve been working at Amazon for 10 years as a manager.

l I’ve 12 years of experience in Public Relation.

l Because of my time at Amazon, I have a lot of experience in providing customer service.

#2. What attracted you to our company? 為什麼想要應徵這個工作?

這題的重點在於測試你是否對於應徵公司有所了解,所以請說出吸引你的優點,並表達強烈拿到offer的意願,請試著列下幾個key points。


l I was really impressed with your commitment to renewable energy.

l I was very excited to learn you support your sales department so strongly.

l I read that you encourage employees to spend time with each other outside the work place.

l ….and that is something I really appreciate.


#3. What would you say what is your greatest strength? 請問你的優勢是什麼?

這題的重點在於給你機會表達自己優點及優勢,你可以透過學習或者工作的經驗highlight,試著以數據或者具體成果列下key points。


l My greatest strength is my flexibility. I find that this is very important when I am working with lots of different people and opinions. For example,…….

# 4. What do you see yourself in 5 years? 五年後的你是自己模樣呢?



l In 5 years, I would like to be a sales director of this company. While I know that would require much more public speaking, so that is what I plan to being ready for.

# 5. Do you have any questions for me about the company and the position? 你對於這個職缺或者公司是否有任何問題呢?

這題重點在於表現出你對於該公司的了解,你可以試著寫下你在意的問題,這是一個非常棒的機會了解該公司,請不要說No, I have no questions.


l Yes, Imagine you’re looking back on this hiring decision in a year. The person you hired has exceeded your expectations. What did he or she do that impressed you the most?

l Can you tell me a little bit about the team that I will work with?

l Yes, I would like to know how will you evaluate the person in this position?

#來到尾聲囉! 我們來作結尾吧!


l I really appreciate that you’re considering me for the position. I’d love to be a part of the company achieving its goals.

以上是英文面試最常出現的問題,請將你的答案使用重點式方式列下來,並模擬說出你的回答,你可以透過照鏡子與自己練習或者錄下你說的內容,並注意自己的body language,再回頭好好審視一下,這絕對對你的面試非常有幫助!






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