5 min readNov 15, 2021

TheFloorNFT ~ Launch 2.0 & Updated Roadmap.

The Floor NFT originally launched on October 22nd, selling over 850 Floor NFT whilst the NFT market was in period of utter turmoil. BTC hit all time highs less than an hour before their initial sale, ultimately putting a stop to any sales in the NFT space for a period which lasted weeks. We (TheFloorNFT Team), made the decision to halt all minting opportunities after 850 to allow the market time to recover before taking the NFT space by storm once again.

The Future Of TheFloorNFT:

The Floor NFT team has been working tirelessly in the background to ensure our plans for re-launch are much bigger and better than before, by using our marketing expertise and funding we are allocating 18 ETH to marketing for our second launch.

Launch 2.0 Plans:

We have partnered with none other than the official ‘NFT’ company, founded by the one and only — Mr Mark Cuban alongside Leverage Game Media to give our project and community the exposure it needs and deserves!

NFT has proven to be the most influential page on social media, with over 115k on twitter, 25k on discord, 750k on Instagram and one of the most popular NFT newsletter used by a LOT of influencers and collectors, they have led MULTIPLE projects to success!

NFT will be launching our campaign (tailor designed for our specific needs) on December 4th which will continue until our re-launch date on December 12th, essentially blasting our project to over 1 MILLION genuine NFT fanatics on not one, not two but FIVE different occasions across multiple Social Platforms!

Five projects used this campaign (without any other marketing) at the height of the NFT bear market and 4 out of 5 successfully sold their entire collection with the final one still selling over 80% of supply! AWESOME RIGHT?!!?

But it doesn’t stop there, the team has also decided to reduce the minting price to 0.035 ETH per floor NFT, a series of strategic floor sweeps, allocating over 2000 Free Floors (just pay gas) to anyone who owns an original Floor NFT prior to December 12th and much much more! And yes, this DOES include any people who have purchased via secondary market before December 12th provided you have verified as a holder in our discord.

These F2C Floors will be available to original holders only (who have the Floor Holders Role on discord) shortly after the second public sale.

The team has also hired a specialist team who focus on Marketing on platforms such as Reddit, BitcoinTalk and Quora to further increase our reach across all platforms, we have opened lines of communication with many influencers on Twitter/Tik Tok and also YouTube in the hopes of securing even more awesome deals for our community — We expect to have some more great updates soon as there is much more to come!

Updated Roadmap:

Reducing the total supply available for public sale combined with lowering the mint cost by over 60% will mean updating our roadmap to suite this budget, are the changes dramatic? Nope! Are these changes worth it for long term success? Absolutely! See for yourself —

(Please note the %’s below are calculated based off of the total of 5,777 available for public sale, figures do not include the 2000 free to claim NFTs.)

20% — (Completed following sale 1, Full details available on discord).

>Rarity Rankings Available.

>5 ETH added to condo pool.

>Twitter header generator and NFT combiner launched.

40% (2,311 sold)—

> 2 ETH Charity contribution.

> 7 Rare Floors Airdropped to Holders

> 7.5 ETH Added to condo pool for community NFT trading.

60% (3,467 sold) —

> The Investors Chest will officially open with ‘prize’ distribution occurring Monthly/Bi-monthly depending on accumulated value.

> 7.5 ETH added to Community development fund (Metaverse & Future collections etc).

> 10 x High quality Floor Prints (metal) will be shipped to random Holders.

80% (4,622 sold) —

> Work commences on The ROOF collection — these will be free to claim for all Floor holders.

> Additional 12.5 ETH added to condo pool for community NFT trading.

> 10 rare Floors Airdropped to Random Holders.

100% (5,400 or higher!)

> An additional 22.5 ETH added to our Development fund in order to create The Floor Tower Metaverse! — separate announcement coming soon.

> 30 Limited Edition Floor NFT hoodies will be shipped to lucky holders to coincide with the launch of our Merch Store!

> An Additional 3.5 ETH will be donated to a community voted charity ❤

The team has thought long and hard to ensure we maintained the same general direction as the original roadmap whilst also ensuring feasibility. Ultimately, our holders have the final decision on our roadmap- should anyone have any suggestions or changes please use the suggestions channel on discord and we will bring it to a community vote.

The team has made a number of groundbreaking developments over the last few days in regards to marketing etc. and we are extremely excited for what's lies ahead, the results shown from @ NFT alone are beyond incredible and we are extremely confident our launch will be greatly successful.

I (EnviousNFTs), would also like to take this moment to thank our community, because without the support from each and every one of you we are nothing.

Mark your calendar's for December 12th 2021 ~ Together, we will show the NFT community and EVERY SINGLE PERSON who doubted us that we mean business.

To our community ~ this ones for you ❤ #TheFloorNFT