Flutterwave and Trustwave have partnered to make securing online payments free

2 min readFeb 8, 2017

When businesses begin considering the processes involved in receiving payments online, they quickly realize that one of the first things to figure out is how they can accept and process customers’ payment information safely.

As they go through the process, many will find out how scary accepting payments used to be and how safe it is now. This safety is largely due to the guidelines set in place by the global leaders in the card payment industry. These guidelines known as the PCIDSS — payment card industry data security standards — also double as a set of requirements for merchants to use when configuring their IT and payment-processing environments.

However, implementing these guidelines have always proven to be an expensive venture with businesses spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for the set up and then several thousand dollars every month in maintaining their systems. Given our mission as a provider of secure payments technology and infrastructure, we have partnered with Trustwave, the global leader in information security, to create a program that will make it easier for small businesses to be PCIDSS compliant.

This partnership means that SMEs & Fintech companies that want to get PCIDSS compliant can sign up on the program and use the self-assessment wizard to get their company compliant at zero cost.

The Flutterwave PCI self assessment program offers businesses:

  • The PCI Wizard and task-tracking To Do List to help businesses complete the process easily.
  • Vulnerability scanning of websites/payment infrastructure (if required) to identify network weaknesses.
  • A Security Policy Advisor to help businesses design their own set of security policies — a requirement of PCI compliance.
  • A collection of easy-to-use online Security Awareness Education courses for front-line employees.
  • Access to the TrustKeeper Agent to detect sensitive data storage and provide ongoing compliance monitoring.
  • Expedited support by phone or e-mail, as well as online help, tutorials, and education.

To learn more about the Flutterwave PCIDSS self-assessment tool, visit the page at https://pci.trustwave.com/flutterwave.

Please note that to use the Flutterwave PCIDSS self assessment tool, you’ll first have to be profiled by our team; we recommend that you send us an email at security@flutterwavego.com to get your profiling started. If you have any questions about this, please send us an email or leave a comment below.




Flutterwave is a payment technology company focused on helping banks and businesses provide seamless and secure payment experiences for their customers.