An Archaeological cave site in the heart of city Mumbai — “Jogeshwari Cave Temple”

The Folk Stories
3 min readDec 4, 2023


We all know Mumbai as the city of dreams, where people from all over rush to chase their aspirations. But did you know this bustling metropolis also holds a treasure trove of ancient history? Nestled right in the heart of Jogeshwari stands a hidden gem — one of the oldest rock-cut Hindu cave temples in existence.

Around 1500 years ago (around 500 AD), skilled artisans from Ajanta journeyed to the west to showcase their talent. They were believed to be seeking work after the demise of the Buddhist King Harisena, their patron and the mastermind behind the magnificent Ajanta caves. And thus, they landed in the western kingdom of Hindu Kalachuri, leaving behind their legacy in the form of the Jogeshwari Caves. In fact, these caves are said to be the prototypes of the famous Elephanta Caves, later carved by the same artists!

However, today, the reality of these caves is far from glorious. Surrounded by urban encroachment, the site is riddled with filth, damp floors, open drainage, and a complete disregard for its historical significance. Despite being declared a site of national importance by the Archaeological Survey of India, little has been done to protect its sanctity. Slums, houses, and shops have sprung up around it, blatantly violating the rules meant to preserve this heritage.

Entrance to the Cave — Image Source :
Image Source — Lost Temple Facebook Page
Image Source — Kevin Standage Photography

But amidst this neglect, the caves still hold a certain magic. A large open premise greets you with 20 carved pillars and a central square shrine housing a Shiva Linga.

Image Source —
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The deity of the region, Yogeshwari, resides here, along with shrines dedicated to other gods like Hanuman and Ganpati. The walls are adorned with figurines of gods, goddesses, Gandharvas, and Yakshas, each one a silent testament to our rich cultural legacy. Sadly, some of the Shiva statues have been damaged or destroyed over time, a stark reminder of our negligence.

Jogeshwari Caves, Mumbai
Image Source — Ramaarya Blog
Jogeshwari Caves — Sculptures
Image Source — Kevinstandage Photography

Archaeologist Samir S. Patel, in his article “The Slum and the Sacred Cave,” raises a crucial point: we have failed our Hindu heritage. He urges the ASI to step up and enforce the laws protecting this site, regardless of any opposition.

I believe the Jogeshwari Caves are the grandfathers of rock-cut caves in Maharashtra. They deserve the same care and attention bestowed upon the Elephanta Caves. It’s our responsibility to investigate the caves, take countermeasures, and involve the local community in their protection. We need to establish strict rules and regulations and ensure they are implemented. If we don’t act now, I fear these caves may not survive much longer.

It’s time Archaeological Survey of India takes the responsibility of reclaiming our heritage and ensure that future generations can witness the wonders of the Jogeshwari Caves.



The Folk Stories

The Folk Stories is a small initiative to share the mysteries of Indian culture, traditions, facts, history, mythology and moreeee.