Polkastation Finance: Powering Multitudes Of DeFi Protocols

Mohd Freethinkeer
3 min readSep 28, 2022


The world is gradually accomplishing its transition from the traditional industry to the blockchain technology. Everyday, numerous projects and ideas are projected into the blockchain space that makes life easier for users. However, the recent problem face is the reliability of those projects which sometimes become questionable. According to research, 7 out of 10 of new projects and ideas accomplish there mission and vision, while the rest do not make it to standard.

Polkastation is here to bring a reliable wide range of trusted services to users that will enhance their financial stability. Polkastation is in operation with technology and improved technologies like NFTs, Gaming engines, and DeFi protocols for the good of the people. The goal is to remain the topmost in the market forever with sustainability and stable projects in the blockchain space.

Introducing Polkastation

Polkastation therefore is a digital platform that has its own blockchain built on Polkadot ecosystem that allows multiple transactions to be carried out accordingly. Polkastation uses the Polkadot blockchain as its foundation. It is a project existing in the blockchain space that brings together multiple specialized chains into one network.

All products and applications of Polkastation are available on its own blockchain with enhance scalability. Going further, Polkastation offers a large variety of products and services, from classic DeFi protocols to the most trending Move-To-Earn games and NFT marketplace. Some of its products unclude:

Polkastation Blockchain

This is a blockchain based on polkadot next-generation blockchain protocol that provides security, scalability, and a high tendency of intereoperability. The blockchain is use for transferring any type of data or assets through different chains in the polkadot network.

The blockchain also offers transactional scalability that makes it easy to make transactions across multiple parallel blockchain. Polkastation blockchain consumes only a portion of energy compared to other conventional Proof of Stake (PoS). The Polkastation blockchain operates on the nomination Proof-of-Stake (NPoS) consensus mechanism, and also consuming less energy with a shallow carbon footprint.

A Few of Polkastation Ecosystem Benefits

  • Walk-to-Earn Games is also a product of Polkastation. With the coming of gaming, NFTs have become a medium of exchange, rewards, and payment in metaverse systems. Polkastation bring together the strength of blockchain technology and NFTs to render Walk-To-Earn (M2E) games that provides actual momentary benefits to gamers. While the traditional games allows owner/developers to cash in on players only engaging in gaming, Polkastation M2E shifts ownership towards the gamers. This makes gamers enjoy realistic Gaming experience and make monetary benefits.
  • Yield farming is another product of Polkastation. Polkastation does not need intermediaries to carry out trade with the help of the farm. Yield farming is the period a liquidity providers wait for assets price to rise. Polkastation ecosystem supports yield farming as it benefits everyone in the market by increasing liquidity. It also makes assets price stable and secure.

In Conclusion

PolkaStation NFT artworks portfolio helps the creators to expose their artwork on the Polkastation marketplace for trading. Polkastation also has developed a yield aggregator that collects multiple best-performing farms in a single place.

With hundreds of yield farms existing every single day in the market, keeping track of the best performing ones becomes hectic. That is why Polkastation has developed the yield aggregate. It helps to maximize the community members farm with secure yield optimization. Do follow the links available below for much more into the solution of Polkastation, thanks.

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Forum user: thefreethinker


