A Comprehensive Review of Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1

Monica A. Sullivan
7 min readJun 25, 2024


The release of Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 on October 24, 2023, marked a significant event for fans of the legendary franchise. This collection brought some of the most iconic titles in gaming history to modern platforms, including Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Published by Konami, the collection aimed to provide a nostalgic yet accessible experience for both longtime fans and newcomers to the series. However, the reception has been mixed, with reviews highlighting both the enduring brilliance of the games and the perceived shortcomings of the compilation itself.

Overview of Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1

Game Titles Included

The Master Collection Vol. 1 includes the first three main titles of the Metal Gear Solid series:

  1. Metal Gear Solid
  2. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
  3. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

These games are considered classics and have been lauded for their intricate narratives, innovative gameplay mechanics, and memorable characters. The collection also includes additional content such as screenplays, a compilation of the franchise, and the ability to play different territorial variations of Metal Gear Solid 1.

Critic Reviews and Reception

The collection has received a range of reviews, with scores and opinions varying significantly among critics. Let’s delve into the specific points raised by some prominent reviewers:

High Praise and Positive Aspects

Daily Mirror — Scott McCrae — 5 / 5: This review highlights the joy of having these games accessible on modern platforms, emphasizing that while the technical updates may be minimal, the core experience remains unparalleled. McCrae appreciates the nostalgic value and the convenience of playing these masterpieces in a consolidated format.

God is a Geek — Chris White — 9.5 / 10: White’s review is glowing, calling the collection a “staggering piece of history” that cements Snake’s legacy in gaming. The review focuses on the enduring quality of the games themselves and the significance of preserving these classics for future generations.

Cerealkillerz — Nick Erlenhof — 8.5 / 10: Erlenhof praises the inclusion of extras and the experience of playing all titles consecutively on one system. Although he notes the lack of a 60fps makeover for Metal Gear Solid and minimal updates for Parts 2 and 3, he believes the collection is a must-have for newcomers and a valuable purchase for fans.

Mixed Reviews and Constructive Criticism

Cultured Vultures — Jimmy Donnellan — 7.5 / 10: Donnellan’s review acknowledges the brilliance of the original games but criticizes the compilation for being rudimentary. He suggests that more effort could have been put into enhancing the collection.

Downtime Bros — Joe Harby — 7.5 / 10: Harby describes the compilation as a “worthy tribute” to the series but notes it doesn’t quite reach its potential. He appreciates the faithful recreation of the Metal Gear experience but wishes for more substantial updates.

Press Start — James Mitchell — 7.5 / 10: Mitchell points out the scarcity of technical updates and suggests that while the collection does what it claims to do, it could have benefited from more modern touch-ups. Nonetheless, he acknowledges the timeless quality of the included games.

Push Square — Liam Croft — 8 / 10: Croft discusses the convoluted digital packaging and the lack of substantial enhancements. Despite these issues, he emphasizes the enduring appeal of the original titles.

Negative Reviews and Major Concerns

Expansive — Sam Diglett — 3 / 5: Diglett criticizes the collection for its confusing presentation and inadequate preservation efforts. He believes the potential of modern platforms was not fully utilized and describes the collection as lacking in significant updates.

Stevivor — Steve Wright — 5 / 10: Wright questions the necessity of repackaging these games without significant improvements. He suggests that the collection feels like a cash grab rather than a genuine effort to celebrate the series.

VG247 — James Billcliffe — 3 / 5: Billcliffe is unimpressed by the lack of substantial additions to the games themselves, although he finds the Master Books with interesting tidbits useful for contextualizing the storyline.

Technical Aspects and Presentation

One of the most significant points of contention among reviewers is the technical execution and presentation of the collection. While the original games are universally praised for their quality, the remastering efforts have left much to be desired.

Visual and Performance Upgrades

The collection has been criticized for its lack of significant visual upgrades. Metal Gear Solid, in particular, did not receive a 60fps makeover, and Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 are almost identical to their HD Collection versions. Many reviewers expressed disappointment that these classics did not receive the visual and performance enhancements that modern hardware can support.

User Interface and Digital Packaging

Another common criticism is the digital packaging and user interface of the collection. Reviewers like Liam Croft from Push Square pointed out the convoluted nature of navigating the five separate apps on PS5. This fragmented approach has been a source of frustration for players trying to locate specific versions or bonus features.

Additional Content and Extras

Despite the technical criticisms, the collection does include several extras that have been appreciated by fans. These include:

  • Screenplays for all games
  • A comprehensive compilation of the franchise
  • The ability to play different territorial variations of Metal Gear Solid 1
  • Optional extras such as additional 2D chapters, including Snake’s Revenge

These additions provide a richer context for the series and offer fans more content to explore.

Community and Fan Reactions

The community reaction to Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 has been a mix of excitement and disappointment. On forums and social media, fans have expressed their love for the original games but also voiced their frustrations with the perceived laziness of the porting efforts.

Positive Fan Reactions

Many fans are thrilled to have the ability to play these classic games on modern platforms. For those who missed out on the original releases or no longer have access to older consoles, the collection provides a convenient way to experience the legendary series.

Negative Fan Reactions

Conversely, some fans feel that Konami has missed an opportunity to truly celebrate the series. Comments like “Only Konami can make a collection of 3 9/10–10/10 games score a 78 on Metacritic” reflect the disappointment in the lack of substantial updates. Others have criticized the collection as a “cash grab” and expressed a desire for more effort to be put into enhancing the games for modern platforms.

The Legacy of Metal Gear Solid

The Metal Gear Solid series, created by Hideo Kojima, has left an indelible mark on the gaming industry. Known for its complex narratives, innovative gameplay, and memorable characters, the series has influenced countless games and continues to be revered by fans worldwide.

Importance of Preserving Classics

Preserving classic games is crucial for maintaining the cultural heritage of gaming. Collections like the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 play an essential role in ensuring that these iconic titles remain accessible to new generations of players. Despite the criticisms, having these games available on modern platforms is a positive step towards preserving their legacy.

The Impact of Hideo Kojima

Hideo Kojima’s influence on the series cannot be overstated. His unique vision and storytelling approach have made Metal Gear Solid a standout franchise in the gaming world. The collection, despite missing Kojima’s direct input, serves as a testament to his creative genius and the lasting impact of his work.

Future of the Metal Gear Solid Series

With the release of Master Collection Vol. 1, fans are now looking forward to what the future holds for the Metal Gear Solid series. Konami has hinted at a Volume 2, which many hope will include other significant titles like Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

Anticipations for Volume 2

The potential Volume 2 of the collection is highly anticipated, with fans hoping for better execution and more substantial updates. Including Metal Gear Solid 4 would be a significant addition, as it has been one of the most requested titles for modern platforms.

Konami’s Role Moving Forward

Konami’s handling of the series moving forward will be closely watched by fans and critics alike. The company has the opportunity to redeem itself by delivering a more polished and comprehensive collection in Volume 2. Addressing the criticisms of the first collection and ensuring that the games are presented in the best possible way will be crucial.


Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 is a significant release that brings some of the most iconic games in history to modern platforms. While the collection has received mixed reviews, with criticisms focused on the lack of substantial updates and technical shortcomings, the core quality of the original games remains undisputed. For fans of the series, the collection offers a convenient way to revisit these classics, despite its flaws.

The release also underscores the importance of preserving classic games and making them accessible to new generations of players. As the gaming community looks forward to potential future collections, the hope is that Konami will take the feedback to heart and deliver a more polished and comprehensive experience. Regardless of the criticisms, the enduring legacy of Metal Gear Solid and the brilliance of Hideo Kojima’s work continue to shine through.



Monica A. Sullivan

Tech innovator, EEG gaming pioneer, accessibility advocate. Passionate about merging neurotech with immersive gaming experiences.