How to Choose the Best GPU for Your Gaming PC in 2024

4 min readMay 24, 2024
How to Choose the Best GPU for Your Gaming PC
Photo by Nana Dua on Unsplash

So, you’re on the hunt for the perfect GPU for your gaming PC. It can feel like a daunting task with all the choices out there, but once you know what to look for, the process becomes a lot simpler. Whether you’re aiming to dominate the latest AAA titles or enjoy some classic games, there’s a GPU out there that’s perfect for your needs. Let’s dive into the key factors you should consider to make the best choice.

Monitor Setup

First things first: your monitor setup. Are you planning to game on multiple monitors or stick with a single screen? If you’re going for a multi-monitor setup, especially at high resolutions like 4K, you’ll need a powerful GPU. Running two 4K displays demands more video memory and bandwidth, so if you experience performance issues, a more robust graphics card might be necessary.

Gaming at 4K resolution can be quite taxing on your system. Your PC’s fans will likely kick into high gear to keep temperatures in check, and both your GPU and CPU will be working hard. If you’re set on 4K gaming, aim for a GPU with ample VRAM, like the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090.

Refresh rate is another critical factor. A higher refresh rate, such as 120Hz or 144Hz, means your GPU has to deliver more fps, increasing its workload. This can also put additional strain on your CPU. However, the payoff is smoother visuals and less motion blur. Make sure your GPU can handle the refresh rate of your monitor to get the best gaming experience.

Related: Do You Really Need a Dedicated GPU in 2024?

PC Compatibility

Compatibility isn’t as much of a headache as it used to be, but you still need to ensure your new GPU will work well with your existing PC components. For instance, if you’re eyeing an RTX 4080 or 4090, you’ll need an ATX 3.0 compatible power supply unit (PSU). Even if you decide to go with a less power-hungry card, ensure your PSU has enough PCIe power connectors and wattage.

Speaking of power, GPUs have specific power requirements. For example, the ASRock Challenger Radeon RX 7700 XT 12G OC recommends a 750W PSU. This figure doesn’t account for your entire system, so it’s wise to have some extra wattage headroom. But don’t go overboard — stick within a reasonable range to avoid unnecessary spending.

Bottlenecks are another consideration. A bottleneck occurs when one component limits the performance of another. In gaming PCs, this often involves the CPU and GPU. Pairing a high-end GPU like the RTX 4090 with a low-end CPU (such as an Intel Core i3) can cause performance issues. Aim to match your graphics card and processor to avoid bottlenecks and ensure smooth performance.


Your budget is likely the biggest factor in choosing a GPU. Prices can range from under $200 to over $2,000, so having a clear budget helps narrow down your options. Whether you’re building a new PC or upgrading an existing one, set a budget and stick to it.

AMD, Nvidia, or Intel

Gigabyte Graphics Card with triple fans
Photo by Ilias Gainutdinov on Unsplash

The GPU market is competitive, with AMD, Nvidia, and now Intel vying for your attention. Each brand has its strengths.

Intel is relatively new to the GPU game but offers decent lower-end options. Their GPUs are improving with regular updates, making them a viable choice for budget-conscious gamers.

AMD is known for offering great price-to-performance ratios, especially in the mid-range segment. Their GPUs like the RX 7800 XT provide solid performance without breaking the bank.

Nvidia is the go-to for those seeking top-tier performance. The RTX 4090, for instance, is unmatched in gaming performance, ray tracing, and video rendering, albeit at a premium price.

Choosing the Best GPU for Your Gaming PC

When it comes to picking your new GPU, consider all these factors: monitor setup, PC compatibility, budget, and brand preferences. Whether you’re aiming for high-end performance or a budget-friendly upgrade, there’s a GPU out there for you.

Take the time to research and check game requirements to find the best match. Ensure your PSU can handle the power needs of your new card, and be mindful of potential bottlenecks.

Ultimately, the best GPU for you will depend on your specific needs and setup. Armed with this knowledge, you’re now in a better position to make an informed decision and level up your gaming experience.




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