It’s update time: GCC Ambassadors and GitHub code repo.

2 min readAug 21, 2018


As you might have noticed, we already started to establish the GCC Ambassador program — we have been watching all of the members who have been active on our Telegram channel and shared great ideas regarding our project and plans as well as further expansion. We are grateful that there were so many people actively supporting us, but from those members we chose only several for the role of GCC Ambassadors. One of them, Irvin Viste (also known as Hero “theyoungmillionaire”) was engaged to such a great extent that we promoted him to be the leader of Ambassadors — thank you for your continuous and outstanding work that is literally restless. The Ambassadors will also be receiving rewards for their contribution based on their ranks. An Ambassador’s role is to support community and answer all of the important questions that may come from new members who join our telegram and social media channels, so it is a great help for the team and the growing community.

We know that communication is one of the most important thing in the crypto field. This is why we are launching biweekly meetings with our Ambassadors where they will have a chance to share new ideas, suggest partnership and speak about all practical things that concerns GCC project. In a nutshell, we will be focusing on widely understood marketing, promotional and development activities with their help. Also, we are considering new ambassador members and check on the progress of current ambassadors, so there are always seats waiting for new people.

Following on what is going on among Telegram members , — in order to respond to your suggestions, we created a repository where we pushed all the code we worked on locally. As you can see in one of the commits there were 50 539 lines of the code created and lot of work has been done. The things we have been recently struggling with were old/new blockchain synchronicity tests as well as stability tests. We built a new PoS block version and made masternodes development with testing and also made a spork switch to new wallet development. Things like that take time. We hope this will be the last of it. You can follow the changes under the link below:

We know that a fixed MN release date should satisfy a great number of community members. After the recent changes, please expect the masternodes to finally launch. We hope your waiting time will be satisfied by the release. Once again, we are sorry for the delay. From now on we will do even more for things to go smooth and for you to enjoy what we do. Cheers!

