Askobar Network x dOrg Team x American Hito of Uniswap Army

Rugged Armies
10 min readSep 3, 2020


AMA Session

Here’s the summary of our AMA with dOrg Team and Joefilmo with special guest host American Hito of Uniswap Army:

Segment1: Introduction
American Hito: It is nice to see you all here. And before we begin, I am briefly introducing myself. I am American Hito, I am the host for the AMA as well. Greetings broda and sista.

Ori: Hello world. Ori from dOrg, at your service. dOrg is a DAO dev shop that builds with various projects in the web3 ecosystem. You can learn more about past clients we’ve worked with and how to join here
We also have an entire handbook that lays out how we operate here
You can also get a more in-depth look at our story in the recent feature Hackernoon did on us here:

Ben: Nice to meet everyone, Ben from dOrg
Linus: Hello everyone! Linus from dOrg, happy to be a part of this
Joefilmo: I’ll start — Im Joe Filmo, lead dev at Askobar. I’ve asked dOrg to build the implementation for AskoLend, which provides 2 tier lending pools to allow the listing of lower market cap Uniswap tokens on the lending platform. Think Compound, but hundreds of assets instead of just a few.

Segment2: Question and Answer: Guest and host

American Hito: I have few questions about Askobar network for the team and dOrg who helps build Askolend. Let’s start!

Question1 AH: joefilmo, I am following Askobar Network since then and your goal is too high! Do you think that your team can deliver all of these? Askolend, askogaming etc?
JoeFilmo: It’s a matter of taking things one step at a time, then scaling as each product builds on the previous. dOrg can share a bit about the development process for AskoLend for insance, and how together we’re able to get a prototype out much quicker.
Jordan dOrg Team: Working with Askolend has made our (dOrg’s) life very easy, as they’re always there to provide lots of guidance and support. This leaves us to do what we know how to do best, building decentralized applications. We’ve started from the whitepaper, and have progressed onto architectural diagrams that’ll inform our smart contract development. In parallel, we have some team members getting the application’s development underway! At dOrg we apply a “swarm” methodology, where we have lots of different experts that can attack the problems that they’re best at.
Question2 AH: I noticed that this is a small marketcap project, what plans do you have after launching askolend?
JoeFilmo: AskoLend forms the foundation for most of Askobar’s future products. AskoGaming (previously AskoGambling) requires AskoLend to be built first — using the lending system in AskoLend allows us to apply interest earned to create positive return games on the Askobar Network.
Actually, you can see most of the work in progress at It’s still in the design phase, so most of the work is happening in the Issues, and the architectural diagrams that are under development are linked there.
Ben dOrg Team: This is super early stuff, FYI 
For the architecture of the user flows:

Part 1

part 2

Question3 AH: You are partnered with LID which we see that they are bombarded with FUD and as far as I recall you are planning to add their licensed project in Askolend, how do you plan to proceed after seeing those FUD?
JoeFilmo: Lid is experiencing a lot of growing pains. Keep in mind for AskoLend, the critical portion of Lid's tech is the liquidity locking. Unicrypt and other projects don't have as much fud, but they also don't have the same kinds of strong guarantees for liquidity that AskoLend requires. We'll also add any project that has verified locked liquidity and an audited token. For Askobar, its important that we look past the rumors and look directly at the technology, how it works, and how it can help us grow. UNC is really the only project that has decent tech, but because their liquidity standards are lower than Lid's a few projects on UNC have lost the liquidity. These rug pulls could be used to exploit AskoLend to multiply scammers profits, so it is absolutely essential they never happen.
Question 4AH: Good thing, Askobar was not affected with that issue. Anyway, lets go with Dorg team. Can you tell us what makes you decide to work with Askobar Network? Can you see a bright future with them? Knowing that you have worked with big projects such as compound.
Ori dOrg Team: We think that there are lots of innovations in the lending space to be had, especially when looking at where DeFi is now compared to traditional finance. The tiered lending architecture of Askolend is a really compelling model for unlocking more credit/liquidity in the space and we want to be a part of making that a reality.
Rob dOrg Team: I'm also very happy to see that the Askobarian community is very active and interested in the success of the Askobar Network Roadmap. Having these milestones structured on a step-by-step plan helps the sustained growth of the whole project.

Jordan dOrg Team: DISCLAIMER: these are early diagrams, please do not assume it's final.

Joefilmo: I and dOrg have taken the position to be radically open about the development process, but it relies on the Askobar community understanding that dev is complex and requires a lot of changes especially early on in the project.

Question5 AH: With the Askolend, what are the current challenges of it? Are you confident to deliver it by October or sooner?

Ori dOrg Team: Askolend is a very ambitious tokeneconomic engineering project. The risk-tiered lending pools are a new primitive that will involve some serious iterative collaboration between the financial minds at Askolend and the technical architects at dOrg. We want to make sure every element of the system is airtight, well-documented and risk assessed before taking anything live.
Jordan dOrg Team: In regards to the timeline of October, this is as you know a very ambitious goal. We're comitted to having the proof of concept fully documented and ready for external review in October.In order to ensure that user funds are not at risk, the project will need to be audited thoroughly and gradually flighted to production. This will allow us to make sure the system is operating as designed.
Question6 AH: Since you are working with askolend and if this is successful, are you planning to collaborate again on the Askogaming project?
Jordan dOrg Team: We're certainly excited by this possibility :D
Joefilmo: We haven't discussed AskoGaming yet with dOrg. We might work together on it, but AskoLend will require substantial continued work to both improve v1 and eventually v2. So that will come first 😁
Question7 AH: Lastly, can you tell us what is happening or updates about our upcoming and most awaited Askolend?
Ben dOrg Team: We're currently working on finalizing the architecture and prototyping the front end.
Joefilmo: It's hard to say the exact percentage at this time, because the architecture design is what allows us to know exactly how long development will take. With developing new tech, there's a lot of uncertainty, and the first part is reducing that uncertainty through planning. Once the architecture is finalized, the exact timeline will be more clear. That said, it's definitely looking like an October release of the core proof of concept is possible - of course, at that time it will then need to be audited and released on the testnet.
American Hito: Alright! I am so excited and can't wait until we see the structure and working Askolend for our fellow Askobarians!
Joefilmo: It's been so fun working with dOrg! And we're trying to be much more open about the development process. Of course this means we are relying on the community to understand a bit about the development process - how we reduce risks, set timelines, and so forth. Which is much more complex! Most projects would not be sharing as much information this early in development. I really suggest everyone take the time to look at the github at and check up on it every week or so, you will be amazed to see how the progress happens and pieces fall together.

Segment3: Community Questions

Q: How will ASKOBAR Blockchain solve the scaling problem? And how will the platform overcome the threat of centralization?
How ASKOBAR will ensure high blockchain speed? @Atuaka
A: Askobar runs on the Ethereum blockchain, and we're mostly relying on improvements for ETH2.0 to help with scaling. That said, once the proof of concept is built, we will continue monitoring possible L2 solutions to help scale ontop of Ethereum.
Q: Please provide us about Askolend’s unique features and characteristics that add value to digital currency. @sinqkong
A: You can checkout the whitepaper here to better understand: will allow low market cap coins to be lent.
Q: How do you plan to address the storage issue when the network is overloaded with thousands of transactions on all chains? @LSilv1ani
A: The initial version will live on mainnet. But we are already considering L2s for future versions tht could support high frequency lending operations.
Q: I'm a developer and would love to contribute to Askolend, is it possible to join the dOrg team, if yes, how do I apply ?
A: Absolutely! We're always looking for new developers and have optimized the process to join: If you have any problems with the process, feel free to reach out to us on Keybase:
Q: How is trust built between buyers and sellers in the sharing economy and for each industry in our ASKO ecosystem? @Atuaka
A: Overcollateralization

Q: How DORG check authenticity of any Project? Is there any criteria to be part of DORG? @eylem201
A: dOrg members vote on accepting any new member or project. It is up to the dao
Q: After your partnership with LID, are you going to be partnered with those projects that they will be licensing? @LSilv1ani
A: Our partnership with LID allows us to fasttrack the listing of their ILOs. This means AskoLend will become the primary lending platform for young tokens. Of course this introduces risks related to price fluctuations, which is why the tiered lending pools and hard liquidity locking are required.
Q: Askolend will be the first project of Askobar Network, can you explain how’s that work and what’s the difference from other lending platforms? How dorg team will make it more interesting? @apocalypse
A: The 2 Tiers of collateral (High risk and low risk) for each token allows more versatile ways to lend and borrow. This exists in the non-crypto financial markets already. I'd recommend taking a look at the white paper for an intro :)
Q: How did dOrg become the first legally recognized DAO in the US? What achievements have you made since formation and how many clients have you worked with? @araceley
A: We worked with several legal experts in Vermont who learned about our operational structure and fine tuned an entity that would suit out needs. We've learned a ton through this process and are always trying to share our learnings. We have worked with over 18 clients and counting
Q: many people lose assets in their wallet because of hacking, fraud, etc. Is ASKO wallet really safe to store assets? if a crime occurs as I mentioned earlier, how will ASKO solve it? @Atuaka
A: Most people access Askobar dapps through Metamask. No matter what web3 wallet you use, you need to watch and be protective of your keys to prevent hacks. For AskoLend, security is paramount, which means the release schedule takes a bit longer due to audits and testnet launches. But in the end, it will pay off with a secure and safe product.

Q: As a community driven project, how can I contribute my quota to your success? Do you have a Global ambassadorial Program or Referral Reward System? Do I get any benefits from holding $DORG token in the long term? @yadav_199
A: The best way to help the project is to join dOrg as we're always looking for new contributors: The dOrg token is not a governance token as we have a separate non-transferable governance token.
Q: What is the business model of #DORG ? How does it generate revenue for development? @eylem201
A: We are a software development shop. We generate revenue by building userful software for our customers.
Q: How much token one needs to have to Participate in governance? @BeastSanmao
A: Governance of dOrg is managed by its agents via a non-transferable governance token. The best way to help the project is to join dOrg:
A: After AskoLend is up and running, we will be releasing the AskoDao to allow ASKO stakers to govern the Askobar Network. We're waiting for AskoLend because a clearly defined source of revenue is necessary for daos to function well - without it, they become excesssively conservative. As far as how many tokens, if you are staked, you will be able to participate.
Q: What is the advanced features that AskoLendV2 have that currently that AskoLend don't have ? How V2 will be beneficial for Askobar and it's community ? @rioliandaro
A: There's a lot of ideas for AskoLendV2, especially in using the tiered lending system for ERC721 tokens. Unlike ERC20 tokens, each ERC721 token is unique and thus much harder to value. This will take substantial time to develop and is still in the pre-dev idea stage and may change drastically.
Q: I'm a newbie in crypto and blockchain so how will Askobar Network and DOrg team target and educate people who don't know about lending a crypto currency @Hizuka
A: Welcome to crypto! So at first, we are primarily going to be targeting more advanced users that are aware of the risks of lending platforms. As the systems tabilizes, we can make it easier to use for newer members, release tutorial videos, and broaden the audience.

Patz: Anyways, @joefilmo and dOrg Team before we end this any last message for our Askobarians? As I know most of you are busy with work and of course, with our Askolend :)
Joefilmo: Yes! Keep an eye on the github at for updates - keeping in mind, we're releasing the entire development process, so understand things can change and risks are being addressed thru the development cycle
Rob dOrg Team: Thanks @patz22 for organizing this AMA, and @joefilmo for conceptualizing this amazing protocol.Thanks fellow askobarians for sharing all your thought-provoking questions!


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