(đź”´BIG ALERT!!đź”´) The Genius Wave Legit or Scam Updated 2024 || Beware Fake Ads Theta waves Scam?

5 min readApr 18, 2024


  • People with bad decision-making skill
  • People with poor observational skills
  • Men and women who fail to utilize an opportunity
  • Looking to succeed in life
  • If you are a slow learner

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A supposed audio track called “The Genius Wave” claiming to instantly activate your superbrain has been heavily promoted online using Elon Musk’s name and image. The slick ads describe it as “Edison’s 7-second brain trick from a top NASA scientist”.

This genius brainwave technology is an elaborate scam designed to bait Musk fans and science enthusiasts. The outlandish claims are unproven fiction. The endorsements — fake. The advertised results — completely fabricated.

Rewards You Get With The Genius Wave Audio

With The Genius Wave Audio, the maker is offering 4 rewards and they are:

Reward 1 — The Warren Smorgasbord Pyramid: How To Put Your New Fortune Into A Perpetual Stockpile Of Cash: The main reward you will get with the program is this digital book which will educate you concerning the Warren Smorgasbord triangle which will show you the intricate equations that can transform our new abundance into an interminable inventory of cash. These complicated recipes are made sense of in three stages in this digital book making it straightforward.

Reward 2–7 Lethargic Tycoon Propensities: This reward is likewise a digital book. The maker expresses that there are two sorts of moguls; focused and apathetic ones. In this digital book, the maker will give you 7 propensities that sluggish moguls follow to bring in cash without taking any kind of action. This digital book was made in the wake of examining and meeting various moguls making it solid. So in basic words, this reward is an abundance plan of languid moguls.

Reward 3 — Fast Appearance: Alongside the principal sound track of the The Genius Wave Audio program, you will get an extra soundtrack and it is called Speedy Sign. The maker of The Genius Wave says that standing by listening to this sound track will help speedy indication and furthermore work on the adequacy of utilizing the program.

Reward 4–500 The Genius Wave Audio Examples of overcoming adversity: The last reward that you will get with Tycoon Cerebrum Wave is a digital book that contains 500 examples of overcoming adversity of the clients of the program.

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Benefits Of Attempting The Genius Wave Program

There are a wide assortment of advantages that an individual can achieve from standing by listening to the The Genius Waves sound track. Some of them are the accompanying:

The program assists you with drawing in an overflow of abundance

The essential advantage of The Genius Wave is that it can fortify your appearance capacity and pattern of good following good which assists you with drawing in an overflow of abundance to your life, permitting you to turn out to be monetarily effective.

It opens your greatest potential and capacity

The Genius Waves can open your most extreme potential and capacity. One fundamental variable that is restricting or confining your true capacity is the predominance of the beta cerebrum wave. The sound frequencies of the program forestall the beta cerebrum wave from remaining lethargic which assists you with accomplishing your greatest potential.

The Genius Wave Audio advanced program works on your imagination

Aside from assisting you with achieving abundance in your life, The Genius Wave framework likewise assists with working on your imagination. The theta cerebrum wave can improve your innovativeness and furthermore speed up your way of learning.

It helps with confining age-related mental degradation

By standing by listening to the The Genius Waves audiotrack, you will advance your mind capability and this can support limiting age-related mental deterioration. The sound frequencies of the sound program could likewise help in working on mental capability.

The Genius Wave assists you with remaining dynamic and propelled throughout everyday life

The Genius Wave can assist in eliminating with negativing feelings from your life and will draw in more good energy. It will likewise assist in eliminating an absence of inspiration and help you with remaining dynamic.

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The Genius Wave Audio Client Reviews

The Genius Wave Audio clients have shared their experience of utilizing the program on various web-based conversation gatherings. Practically all The Genius Wave Audio client audits and criticism express that things have worked on in their life after they began to pay attention to the 7-minute audiotrack.

A few clients had the option to turn out to be monetarily fruitful and carry on with a rich existence due to the sound track. These clients have shared that The Genius Wave Audio functions as the maker says and is definitely worth putting resources into.

Estimating Of The Genius Wave Audio

The Genius Wave Audio costs $39. By paying this sum, you will get moment admittance to the audiotrack. While making the program, Dave Mitchell and Dr.Summers were inflexible about making the program reasonable for everybody. To this end they are offering Tycoon Cerebrum Wave at a reasonable cost.

At this cost, you will get lifetime admittance to the The Genius Wave program and you are permitted to download it to your gadget.

How do you use the genius Audio Wave program?

You just have to listen to the program for at least 7 minutes a day. Do not skip a day. Take your headset/earphones. Sit in a quiet room. Close your eyes and focus on the theta waves’ neural oscillation. Stay relaxed.

Wear loose-fitting clothes and try to avoid stress.

The Genius Wave — Where And How To Request?

The Genius Waves is as of now accessible on its true site. Since the program is well known, there may be reproductions of the program sold on stages like Amazon or Walmart utilizing a similar name.

The maker cautions us not to get them. In this way, to get the program, we suggest you access it from the The Genius Waves official site as it were.

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Click Here

Main Site — https://www.santacruzsentinel.com/2024/04/15/the-genius-wave-review-2024-updated-does-it-really-work-theta-waves-or-is-it-just-a-scam/




Read more- https://www.dailydemocrat.com/2024/04/15/billionaire-brain-wave-review-2024-fortune-waves-to-manifest-wealth-success-is-it-legit-or-scam/









