Build Diary: Week 3 (is this thing on? šŸŽ¤)

The Gig Gal
3 min readOct 23, 2022


This week was kind of a doozy. There are *so many* cool ideas, and focus can be hard to stick to. Aka, I totally spent 3 days going down a rabbit hole of a product idea that would end up taking over a year to build. So thatā€™s no goodā€¦

But I am making progress šŸ’„ I know Iā€™ve been super cryptic about things, and for context, my first plan of action is getting course content for learning UX writing/content design in the most stupid-simple way possible on digital paper.

Speaking of the course contentā€¦

Describing the taste of water likeā€¦ šŸ«„

Itā€™s component week šŸŖ© That means Iā€™m unpacking how to write and design for each and every UX component. Including defining what a component isā€¦ which feels about as tricky as describing what water tastes like.

Hereā€™s what I have so far:

Aside from another piece of UX jargon, a component is a building block in a user interface. As content designers, we stitch these building blocks together to form intuitive, useful, and usable user experiences.

A component can be a line of text, or a headline, like this:

It can be a paragraph, or body copy, like this:

Or it can be a button, like this:

And when you combine these two components, you get a user experience:

As you can see, these various components work together to communicate a message and help you move forward.

In this Lesson 1, weā€™re going to walk through the main building block, or components:

  • Headlines
  • Body copy
  • Buttons, or calls-to-action

These basic components work together to build communication vehicles, like forms and error messages.

Examples make everything better šŸ„°

Iā€™m quickly learning you canā€™t explain our tech-y UX content jargon without IRL examples. For example:

Loading state explanation ā€” the technical way:

Loading screens are an area in the user flow where the user loses control.

Loading state explanation ā€” the IRL example way:

Have you ever waited in line at the grocery story for 10 minutes and gotten really frustrated? If youā€™re like me, youā€™re wondering what the hold up is and even getting a bit angry about it.

Now, imagine a store employee came to your spot in line and explained theyā€™re short-staffed, doing the best they can, and apologized for the wait. Oh, and hereā€™s a free sample of some dark chocolate while you wait šŸ«

The chocolate might have been over the top, but knowing why the wait is being caused suddenly makes it OK. Nothing actually changed ā€” you just got new context that let you rest easy.

The exact same is true for loading states. If you can tell a user why theyā€™re waiting, and whatā€™s going on in the background, theyā€™ll be happy campers.

Friendly reminder: Be kind to yourself šŸ™ƒ

Some days are just hard. Writerā€™s block is real. Imposter syndrome is real. Being kind to yourself can be hard. Treat yourself like your own best friend ā£ļø

Keep the part rollinā€™ ā€” continue to read week 4šŸ“–

If youā€™re as excited as I am, get ahead of the curve, and join The Launchpad waitlist now šŸ¤—

