Swipe Wisely: A Tale of Unexpected Twists and Turned-off Shoes

3 min readNov 20, 2023


As a twenty-something embarking on the adventure of dating, I’ve decided to share my experiences on Medium because, well, why not?

This particular rendezvous falls into the category of easily forgettable dates that ended up delivering a dating story that’s hard to erase from memory.

So, there I was, swiping right on a person who, as luck would have it, turned out to be someone my friend had the inside scoop on. We swiped our way into this college rendezvous, and thanks to my signature impulsive decisions, I found myself on this date faster than you can say “adulting is hard.”

This date, surprisingly, wasn’t the disaster I imagined. Yeah, my date kicked things off a bit cocky, launching into a TED Talk about their projects two minutes in. But hold the eye rolls — about half an hour later, they unveiled a talent for listening and a stash of hilarious stories that made me reconsider my initial judgment.

Now, here’s where the narrative takes a sharp turn. Feeling the vibe, I made a rookie mistake that even my 20-something self should’ve known better than to make. I spilled the beans on my go-to exit strategies for bad dates. I was so proud of my escape plans that I couldn’t resist sharing them with the world (enter bad decisions times 2).

As the evening wrapped up, disaster struck — my footwear decided it had reached its expiration date and abandoned ship. Talk about embarrassing! But my date, in a move straight out of a grown-up rom-com, not only picked up my torn shoe but offered to buy me a new one on the spot. I declined, and as we walked barefoot, they cracked jokes, boosting my confidence to strut my stuff in public, even offering me their own footwear.

Impressed by their attitude, we scheduled a round two — a study date in the library. But, spoiler alert, this is where the tale takes a tumble.

My date, ever the strategic genius, picked a table with a couple of notebooks and a laptop already in residence. Innocent, right? Wrong. Ten minutes in, they drop the bomb: “Oh, that’s my ex’s laptop!” Cue the dramatic entrance — his ex and her new partner. Turns out, I was unwittingly cast as arm candy.

I’m all for plot twists, but a heads-up would’ve been appreciated, buddy. I was determined not to become the unwitting star in a story he was trying to recount to his ex, as if to say, “Look, I’ve moved on too.”

With no exit strategy in sight, I pulled the adulting equivalent of a fire alarm. Texting a friend to fake an urgent call, I made a swift exit, leaving behind the laptop saga and my date in the library dust. My friends, bless their hearts and questionable acting skills, managed to bail me out, and we laughed about the whole mess later, their empathetic chuckles serving as a comforting balm for my slightly traumatized 20-something self.

Needless to say, I never crossed paths with that particular date again, at least not for another rendezvous. I made a solemn vow to myself, swearing off such impulsive decisions — although, let’s be real, I haven’t quite mastered that promise yet. But who would have imagined that 2 dates could pack in so much drama?

As you navigate the treacherous waters of dating in your twenties, remember this: never spill your escape plan secrets like you’re sharing the latest gossip. And if your date turns out to be more of a rom-com extra than a leading role, demand a script beforehand!

Until the next chapter in the chronicles of my romantic journey — remember to swipe wisely and never underestimate the power of a good laugh in the face of a dating disaster. Stay charming, stay witty, and most importantly, stay away from your date’s ex’s laptop drama! Cheers to adulting and the hilarious tales it brings.

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