How Augmented Reality Can Transform Your Presentations

Glimpse Group
2 min readJun 20, 2018


Presentations are everywhere in our lives. From expos to corporate boardrooms, presenters want to create both highly engaging and informative presentations for their audiences.

Up until now, our primary mode of presenting has involved a projector and a screen, with 2D images and videos on slides while the presenter walks the audience through the information. Or, the presenter simply uses a cardboard cutout covered in text and images.

With the emergence of VR/AR technology, people are turning to a promising new way of utilizing presentations.

So how can we improve the current ways in which we deliver presentations?

Analog Becomes Digital

Presentations shouldn’t be static. AR presentations allow for engaging content with which the audience can interact. Imagine a team of doctors presenting their research at their hospital. One has a poster displaying her research on the affects of smell stimuli on memory.

AR would allow her to overlay different sections with audio clips or video that would complement and highlight the information they want to get across. New possibilities arise. A description of how someone has a positive response from smelling coffee becomes an audio clip of a man describing why it reminds him of the mornings when he’d wake up as a child and his father would be brewing a morning pot.

Track Data

Poster presentations also don’t allow for tracking data points like user engagement. At KreatAR, a Glimpse Group subsidiary revolutionizing augmented reality presentations, presenters who use their technology can see which parts of their presentation are getting the most attention. Additionally, the audience can take the presentation with them after they leave the booth or conference room. They can even get in touch with the presenter through the app.

Engaging Demonstrations

Augmented reality also allows for far more advanced demos. Imagine a pharmaceutical company wants the ability to show the effects of their drug on the brain in a presentation. Using AR technology, they can not only upload a 3D model, but can show time lapsed images showing the effects of a drug at various stages. Audience members can interact with both the model and time-lapse, thus increasing engagement and comprehension.


AR presentations will reach widespread adoption in the near future. From conferences, to exhibits, to poster presentations, augmented reality will allow us to experience an incredible new medium for presenting.

