How To Become a Better Golfer in 30 Days

The golf hype
5 min readAug 29, 2023


How To Become a Better Golfer

Golf is a sport that requires skill, patience, and practice. For beginners, it can be frustrating trying to make progress in your game. However, with some dedication and focus over the course of 30 days, you can see significant improvements in your golf swing, short game, and on-course performance. Follow this 30-day plan to transform your golf skills.

Day 1: Get a Professional Golf Lesson

Before trying to fix your golf swing on your own, get an evaluation from a PGA professional. They can analyze your swing, identify areas for improvement, and give you drills to work on. A lesson will provide a strong foundation for your 30 day practice. Come prepared with questions and be ready to take notes.

Day 2: Practice Your Grip Every Day

An improper grip is one of the biggest issues amateur golfers face. Spend 15 minutes each day perfecting your grip. The right grip for your hands on the club makes a huge difference in producing powerful, accurate shots. Set up to a mirror and adjust until your grip matches recommendations.

Days 3–6: Improve Your Stance and Posture

Work on perfecting your set up over these days. Align your feet, body, and club face properly as you approach the ball. Stand tall with knees flexed, back straight, and eyes over the ball. Have a friend take pictures of your stance from multiple angles to analyze. A good set up creates efficiency in the swing.

Day 7: Learn Basic Swing Mechanics

Now that you have the fundamentals down, it’s time to learn swing mechanics. Study guides online or YouTube videos to understand basic positions like the backswing, downswing, and follow through. Practice making quarter and half swings focusing on proper mechanics.

Days 8–10: Do Daily Flexibility Exercises

Golf requires fluid, flexible movement to generate power and consistency. Spend 15 minutes daily doing stretches and exercises to improve mobility. Some key areas to focus on are your torso, shoulders, hips, and legs. Improved flexibility aids swing motion.

Days 11–12: Perform Repetition Drills at the Driving Range

Hit the driving range and do repetition drills to develop muscle memory. Work on consistent contact and ball flight with your driver, irons, and wedges. As you repeat motions, ingrain proper setup, swing planes, footwork, grip and posture.

Day 13: Practice Fairway Woods Off the Tee

Dial in your fairway woods. These challenging clubs require timing and tempo. Use driving range practice tees to replicate tee shots. Work on making solid contact with 3 and 5 woods. Develop ability to shape shots left to right or right to left. Learn key differences from driver.

Day 14: Improve Accuracy with Irons

Irons make up most golf shots. Practice with every iron to gain consistency. Focus on center contact, swing speed, and trajectory control. Lag putting drills can improve ability to compress irons. Make sure wrist angles stay consistent.

Days 15–17: Fine Tune Short Game Technique

Great golfers scramble for par saves by getting up-and-down. Dedicate days 15–17 to sharpening short game skills. Practice 30 yard pitch shots, greenside bunker shots and putting. Chip balls to a target making adjustments for distance and trajectory.

Day 18: Learn How to Analyze Golf Courses

Play a new course and analyze hole strategy, wind direction, trouble spots and aim points. Think through how you would play each hole before hitting. Analyze risks vs rewards on each tee and approach. Dissecting courses builds strategic skills.

Days 19–20: Play On-Course with New Skills

Bring your revamped game onto the golf course for testing. Play two rounds focusing on implementing techniques and strategies worked on. Use course management to attack holes strategically. Identify weaknesses to refine before month end.

Days 21–22: Correct Flaws and Weaknesses

No golfer ever has the perfect swing. After identifying flaws, dedicate these days to correcting your top 2–3 weaknesses. If you slice drives, work on closing the club face and swing path. If you chunk irons, practice compression techniques.

Days 23–24: Continue Full Swing Repetition Drills

Keep sharpening overall full swing technique through repetition. Add variability by changing targets and working from different lies. Focus on power in the legs, core rotation, swing path and angle of attack.

Day 25: Practice Scoring Technique

Lower scores by honing short game scoring skills. Spend time chipping and putting from different lengths. Work on sand shots from 10–30 yards. Practice flop shots over obstacles. Shave strokes off your scorecard.

Days 26–27: Play Golf with Target Score in Mind

Test your skills playing two rounds with a target score in mind. Follow a strategic game plan on each hole. Stick to your process over results. Stay mentally engaged on every shot and avoid big numbers.

Days 28–29: Correct Any Regression

It’s normal to regress in some areas after competition. Troubleshoot recent issues with your long game, short game and mental game. Invest practice time fixing problems to fulfill your scoring goals.

Day 30: Chart Progress and Set Future Goals

Analyze your improvements over the 30 days. Make notes on swing changes, scoring ability, course management and technique mastery. Set new short-term and long-term goals based on your progress. Sign up for lessons, leagues, tournaments, and range memberships. Golf improvement never stops!

Final Thought

Dedicate yourself to targeted practice and golf will quickly become more enjoyable and rewarding. Use this 30-day plan as a blueprint for rapid improvement. Stick with the process, implement swing changes, and execute each day. You’ll see big differences in a short timeframe. Golf requires lifelong learning. With proper instruction and practice, your skills will continue delivering lower scores for years to come. The progress you make in a month will motivate you to keep improving.

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Q1: How can I improve my golf swing in 30 days?

To enhance your golf swing in 30 days, consider practicing regularly, taking lessons from a golf pro, and focusing on your grip, stance, and posture.

Q2: What are some effective drills for better golfing in a month?

Effective drills for improving your golf game in 30 days include chipping and putting practice, driving range sessions, and working on your short game.

Q3: Can I lower my golf handicap within a month?

While it’s challenging to significantly lower your golf handicap in just 30 days, consistent practice and working on specific weaknesses can lead to improvements.

Q4: Are there any recommended training programs for golf improvement in a month?

Look for structured training programs or online tutorials that focus on different aspects of the game, such as driving, putting, or course management, to accelerate your progress.

Q5: How important is physical fitness for becoming a better golfer in 30 days?

Physical fitness plays a vital role in improving your golf game. Engage in exercises that enhance flexibility, strength, and stamina to see faster progress in 30 days.

