How to Hit a Driver for Beginners

The golf hype
2 min readAug 22, 2023


Hit a Driver for Beginners

Mastering the driver is an important milestone for any beginning golfer. Learning to hit it far and straight can transform your game. Follow these tips to hit quality tee shots with your driver as a beginner.

Set Up for Success

Your set up establishes the foundation for a successful driver swing. Opt for a wider stance than other clubs to promote stability. Position the ball off your front heel to allow an upward strike. Keep your knees flexed, posture athletic, and eyes focused on the back of the ball.

Grip It and Rip It

A proper grip helps you control the clubface and hit solid shots. Use a neutral or slightly strong grip with hands rotating clockwise into impact. Set your left thumb pointing down the top ridge of the club for control. Then wrap your fingers so the handle rests in the fingers of your left hand.

Hinge for Power

An efficient backswing cocks your wrists to build power. As you take the club back low and slow, hinge your wrists naturally as your left arm raises parallel to the ground. This wrist set stores energy for explosive impact.

Unleash Your Body

Generating power requires rotating your body fully into the ball. As you begin the downswing, drive your hips toward the target and shift your weight forward. Complete your shoulder turn to pull the handle through impact as your hips clear.

Follow Through

Holding your finish position is key for balance and consistency. After impact, keep turning your belt buckle to the target as you extend your arms out in front of your chest. This follow through promotes striking down through the ball.

Achieving repetition with the driver requires coordination. But taking lessons, practicing proper form, and applying these tips will have you splitting fairways in no time. Just remember, drive for show and putt for dough.

