How to Play a Golf Skins Game — Format Rules: A Comprehensive Guide

The golf hype
4 min readMay 5, 2023


Golf Skins Game

Before we dive into the details, let’s start with the basics. A skins game is a type of golf game where each hole is worth a certain amount of money, or “skin”. The player with the lowest score on each hole wins the skin for that hole. If multiple players tie for the lowest score, the skin carries over to the next hole, increasing its value. At the end of the round, the player with the most skins wins the game.

How to Play a Golf Skins Game — Format Rules

Now that you understand the basic concept of a skins game, let’s take a closer look at the format rules.

Determining the Value of Skins

Before you start your round, you’ll need to decide how much each skin is worth. This can vary depending on the players’ preferences, but a common value is $1 per skin. You can also assign different values to different holes, such as par 3s being worth double or triple the amount of a regular hole.

Playing the Game

Once you’ve determined the value of the skins, it’s time to start playing! The game begins on the first tee, with each player putting in an agreed-upon amount of money into the pot. This money will be used to pay out the skins at the end of the round.

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On each hole, the player with the lowest score wins the skin for that hole. If multiple players tie for the lowest score, the skin carries over to the next hole, increasing its value. The skin continues to carry over until someone wins it outright.

At the end of the round, the player with the most skins wins the game. In the event of a tie, the skins are carried over to a playoff hole until a winner is determined.

Strategies for Winning a Skins Game

Now that you understand the rules of a skins game, let’s talk about some strategies for coming out on top.

Focus on Par 3s

Since par 3s are usually shorter and less challenging than other holes, they offer a great opportunity to win skins. Consider assigning them a higher value than other holes to incentivize players to focus on them.

Play Aggressively

In a skins game, you need to win holes to win skins. That means you should be willing to take risks and play aggressively to increase your chances of winning. Of course, you’ll need to balance this with playing smart and avoiding unnecessary mistakes.

Pay Attention to the Carryover

When a skin carries over to the next hole, it can quickly become worth a significant amount of money. Keep an eye on the carryover and adjust your strategy accordingly to try and win those high-value skins.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you play a skins game with handicaps?

Yes, you can! In fact, many players prefer to use handicaps in a skins game to level the playing field and make the game fairer. To do this, you’ll need to adjust the number of strokes each player receives on each hole based on their handicap.

Can you play a skins game with more than four players?

Yes, you can play a skins game with more than four players. However, it can become more complicated as you’ll need to determine the value of the skins and how they carry over with more players. One solution is to split into smaller groups and have each group play their own skins game within the larger group.

What happens if no one wins a skin on the last hole?

If no one wins a skin on the last hole, the skins are carried over to a playoff hole until a winner is determined.

How do you keep track of the skins during the round?

You can keep track of the skins using a scorecard or a skins game app on your phone. Each hole will be marked with the value of the skin, and the player who wins the skin will be recorded. If a skin carries over to the next hole, its value will be updated accordingly.

What happens if a player runs out of money during the round?

If a player runs out of money during the round, they are out of the game and cannot win any more skins. However, they are still expected to play out the remaining holes.

Can you play a skins game with different skill levels?

Yes, you can! However, you’ll need to adjust the value of the skins based on each player’s skill level to make the game fair. For example, a higher handicapped player might receive more strokes on each hole, making the skins they win worth less money.


If you’re looking for a fun and exciting way to add some friendly competition to your golf game, a skins game is a great choice. Just remember to determine the value of the skins, keep track of them during the round, and play aggressively to increase your chances of winning. With these tips and strategies, you’ll be on your way to becoming a skins game champion in no time!

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