God Has More For You

The Good Fight
3 min readFeb 10, 2023


the Trellis, by Fellowship Church

Earlier this year, the church where our men’s group is based out of, Fellowship Church, published a book entitled the Trellis. A collaborative work by many of the pastors and leaders at Fellowship, it provides a framework on taking your next step with Jesus, irregardless of where you might be in your faith. The invitation is extended to all, not just some. Many of the life groups at Fellowship just like ours are going through the Trellis together this year, and we wanted to share a section of this with you. We’re truly grateful to be part of a church in Knoxville, TN that has pastors and leaders that are intentionally inviting people to take their next step faith, however big or small it might be. We invite you into this journey with us — Happy Friday!

Wherever you are in your walk with Jesus, God has more for you. More of Himself to pour out. More of His likeness to impart in you. More of His power to meet you in your weaknesses. More of His faithfulness to steady you in your suffering. We believe God has more of Himself for us and want you to experience that here and now in our church.

What if the church was where you experienced the most profound healing, the most significant transformation, and the most profound sense of God’s presence and power? What if it was a setting for the person and character of God being infused in every aspect of who you are and who you’re becoming?

If we’re honest, while it may indeed be our expressed desire, this profound transformation is not often our experience — neither as individuals. nor as participants in the church. All too frequently, the experience of many followers of Jesus is more akin to spiritual frustration than spiritual formation.

For others, spiritual formation, the active formation of our whole self — heart, soul, mind, and strength — into the likeness of Jesus, is often haphazard and shallow rather than intentional and deep. While we long to experience the fulfillment of all that is possible as His followers, we’re often left with a gap between our expectations and reality.

Fueled by the belief that Jesus renews all things, our mission at Fellowship Church is to “call every person to take their next step of faith with Jesus as a new person, with a new family, on a new mission.” Think about it this way:

We believe Jesus makes you a NEW PERSON

  • With a new identity as a son or daughter of God

We believe Jesus gives you a NEW FAMILY

  • a people to belong to and be shaped with as you follow Him

We believe Jesus send you on a NEW MISSION

  • to joyfully give up your life for the sake of others

We seek to be deeply formed by these truths — to not only know them but to walk out their realities.

Doing so requires intentionality and a process for growing in Christlikeness. Just as Jesus often employed earthly images such as vines, branches, seeds, figs, and wheat as metaphors for growth in His hands, we use the image of a trellis in a garden to represent spirit growth.

Often made of wood or metal, a trellis provides a framework to support seedlings as they grow. To withstand the elements, young plants are woven along the trellis, where they are supported while becoming stronger and flourishing to maturity.

This guidebook serves as our trellis — a way to help you grow and mature into Christlikeness.

This growth is based on a foundation of truth, coupled with spiritual practices lived out with others in community, and fueled by the Holy Spirit.

from the book “the Trellis” by Fellowship Church

To listen + watch the sermon series that compliments “the Trellis, click/tap here

If you haven’t obtained your copy of “the Trellis” yet, click/tap here

To learn more about taking your next step in your walk with Jesus, visit Fellowship Church in person or online at https://fellowshipknox.org/



The Good Fight

The Good Fight exists to challenge and encourage men to step into the Biblical manhood they have been called into.