Power, Influence and Free Will

The Good Life Manifesto
2 min readSep 10, 2019


Let me entertain you with a story. I remember when I was still a young, still naive (at least compared to today) looking for a job. In high school I had had two jobs — selling flowers next to a mall (good times) and as a waiter at a retreat (fun times). When I went out into the “real world”, I looked for a job I could do and that I would enjoy. I decided on sales. While I was looking for a job, I decided to study the subject more. Just as an engineer studies how things work together (I think), so I decided to major in sales to add to my already develop innate ability. I bought a book which was the starting point for my sales education which lasted many years. I sat at my favorite coffee shop in LA, the Coffee Bean on South Beverly Drive (oh, the stories I have from that place), ordered a Chai Latte and sat in a corner with my book. A couple sat at the table next to me and at some point, the guy turns to me and asks me what I’m reading. I show him the book which has a very clear title about the subject written. Taken aback (literally), he opens his eyes wide and asks me why I’m reading that. I explain that I used to work in sales, that I recently decided to pursue this as a career (odd duck in LA to pursue sales and not movies) and that I decided the best way to do that would be to educate myself as much as I could. I will never forget his response “Why would you want such a loathsome career?”

Why did sales have such a bad name? Was it because some salespeople truly are loathsome? That couldn’t be it. You can find loathsome people in any industry. So what was it?

Find out in my blog: https://www.thegoodlifemanifesto.com/power-influence-and-free-will/

Don’t worry not spam just a single page of text for your pleasure :)



The Good Life Manifesto

You have one life, make the most of it. Be a part of something big!