The GOODS #66 / May 2, 2018

Guess what just became edible?

6 min readMay 5, 2018

C’mon guess!

Oh hello 👋 May!

Here so soon.

Is is just us, or did the month of May come out of nowhere?

This week, we’re introducing you to a humble superstar and to the future of consumable edibles.

Read on and smile :)

Meet Chau ☝️

He’s the freggin’ man.

Just in case you were in need of a refresher on what fierce looks like, he’s your guy.

Lê Minh Châu (full name, pronounced “chow”) is a 26-year old from Dong Nai, Vietnam 🇻🇳

For as long as he can remember, his dream has been to make a living through his art. For almost that same amount of time, people told him he’d never make it.

Some even laughed at him.

Good thing he never listened to anyone.

He is most def doing just that

And why it’s such a big deal is because Chau was born with some very serious physical disabilities.

They’re not completely sure, but odds are high that because his mother consumed contaminated, toxic water (remnants from the chemical attacks from the Vietnam War ☹️) while she was pregnant with baby Chau, he developed severe deformities in his arms and legs.

Everyday stuff like just moving around, opening doors and eating are challenges. And that’s what makes his lifelong dream all the more special.

As he so cooly explained, “My dream is to become and artist and clothing designer. I’m gonna do what I need to do.”

Ain’t no thang

If you ask Chau how he feels about everything, he’ll just 😃 and confidently tell you that “hell yeah” his work is gonna be displayed across art galleries around the world.

Oh ya… did we mention that Chau paints most of his amazing pieces by holding his paint brush with his mouth?

The guy is unstoppable.

His relentless passion for pursuing his dreams of becoming a professional artist despite his situation is sooooo gosh darn inspiring that a short 30-min documentary film telling his story was nominated for a Oscar.

And guess what?

Today, he’s currently living in Ho Chi Minh as an artist 💪

Living as an artist, check ✔️

A quick view of his FB page and you’ll see for yourselves he’s all about that smile life :)

A lucky man

Chau’s story is so heartwarming.

His life is a beautiful reminder that pursuing our passion is possible no matter what our circumstances are.

And for all the haters that’ll be throwing shade all up in your dreams, just smile politely and continue on with your journey.

Also, remember, it might take a while for you to get to where you wanna be. For Chau, it took him years to get to the point where he finally feels free.

Spoiler alert ❗ At the end of the documentary, Chau tells the viewer that he feels lucky to live the life he has 😍

Like we said, this guy is the man.

#artistlife #fulloninspo

Sorry, not sorry

It’s been a long time coming, but face it plastic, it’s over 🙅

Especially, in your straw-like form.

It’s been estimated that over 500 million plastic straws are thrown out every day, in the U.S. alone. Like that makes noooooo sense.

Even 5 million would be ridiculous.

But can’t you recycle plastic straws?

You’d think so, wouldn’t you? But the problem is, straws are too small to get picked up by the plastic recycling process. Ugh.

Add to this fact the possibility that by 2050 (which is not that far away) there might be more plastic than fish in our oceans 🙁

Luckily, these 👇 two ladies won’t have it.

There’s a startup for that


Founded by two kickass female entrepreneurs and industrial designers (Chelsea Briganti and Leigh Ann Tucker), this eco-startup from NYC has just found a way for you and all of us to eat our straws.

Das riiiiiiight.

Once you’re done slurping up your ethically-sourced, fair-trade iced coffee, nibble away on that straw because it’s totally edible.

They’re scheduled to come in fun flavors like rose, mango and vanilla.
Don’t worry, the straws are gluten free ;)

If ever you don’t wanna eat your straw, all good.

Made of seaweed-based technology, the LOLISTRAW is hypercompsotable and marine-degradable. This means it falls apart in water and actually helps remove CO2 from the oceans 🤗

LOLIWARE also makes cups out of a similar, delicious material.

Hello future, you sure do taste yummy 😋

#antiplasticwarriors #designedtodisappear

You can support their Indigogo campaign here.
We did. Straw party!

This week’s Reader Shout Out 📢 is to Adam B. from Chicago, USA.

Dude, thanks for all the love and positivity.

Never change!

May you be inspired to follow your passions as hard as Chau and be sure to skip the plastic — ain’t nobody got time for that.

Send us all the good vibes you come across.

Have a greeeeeat week 💪

Much love. All the love 💜

Last week’s email

The GOODS #66 / May 2, 2018

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