Zach Attack

Happiness is him.

2 min readOct 9, 2017

This is Zach

He’s had his own TV show with Oprah.

He wrote a book (that we reeeeally need to get our hands on). Hear him sell it yourself.

He has his own weekly workout videos.

Heck, even John Mayer wrote a song about him.


Zach Anner is from Austin, Texas (woo, go Longhorns!) and he was born with cerebral palsy. According to him, it’s “the sexiest of the palsies,” lol, this guy 👆

For context, and as described by our ol’ bud Wikipedia, cerebral palsy (CP) is defined as a disorder caused by brain damage that limits movement and posture. In certain cases, CP might negatively affect a person’s ability to learn, feel and communicate :(

Fortunately for Zach, however, that last part is his greatest strength. Once you’ve seen him in action, you’ll quickly see that he’s a master communicator at spreading the good feels.

Thanks Zach

Not only is he smart and hilarious (the intro to this video is funny and clever), but he is also living proof that nothing can stop you from doing what you’re meant to do.

As quick as he is to joke about himself, he’s best at getting his viewers to smile. It’s really hard not to crack a smile and chuckle as he shares his adventures (like trying to get himself a famous rainbow bagel in Brooklyn) with you.

Check out this video if you don’t believe us 😄

We’re not sure if it’s his voice, his smile, or just the sheer amount of amazing, positive energy that emanates from him (it’s probs all three), all we can say is that Zach is a great example of making the most of what you’ve got.

Zach might not be able to move very fast without the assistance of a wheelchair, but watch out, he sure can (and will certainly) win your heart real fast.

Like his Facebook page and make that feed of yours a little more feel-good.

Go Zach!


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