Are You Surrounded by Complainers?

The Gospel Truth
3 min readJul 8, 2024


Do you often find yourself surrounded by people who complain? It’s easy to get caught up in negativity, just like what happened in Numbers 11. Even though God provided for the Israelites, they focused on what they didn’t have instead of what they did. This negative attitude can affect anyone, but understanding its impact can help us avoid falling into the same trap.

Thinking About What We’re Missing
It’s natural to think about what we wish we had or how things could be different. But sometimes, this can make us miss the good things we already have. The Israelites were more concerned about what they wanted than appreciating the food God gave them every day. Do you ever feel the same way?

Daydreaming about different situations can take over so much that we forget to appreciate what God is doing for us right now. The Israelites got food called manna that was a miracle, but they complained about it like it didn’t matter. Have you ever ignored something good that God gave you without realising how important it was?

Not Being Thankful When We Complain
The Israelites not being thankful is a big lesson in how we can forget to appreciate what we have. They acted like children who always want more, without saying thanks to God for giving them food to eat. Instead of being glad about what God gave them, they were sullen and didn’t show any gratitude. Have you ever acted like something God gave you wasn’t important instead of being thankful for it?

Complaining Can Spread
Complaining doesn’t just affect the person doing it — it can spread to others around them, like leaders and whole groups of people. Whether it’s at school, in a group, or even in your family, complaining can get out of control without anyone realising it. Even when there are so many good things happening, someone will always find something to complain about.

How to Avoid Complaining
To keep from complaining all the time, we should try to focus on the good things instead. Instead of thinking about what we don’t have, we can think about what we do have — a God who takes care of everything we need. Trusting God, even when things are tough, helps us see how much He helps us and keeps us grateful.

Try not to spend too much time with people who are always complaining, as their negative attitude can influence your perspective. Instead, focusing on the good things in your life and expressing gratitude can help you break free from complaining and foster a happier, more positive outlook.

Let’s learn from what happened in Numbers 11 and choose to be thankful instead of always finding something wrong. Notice the good things in your life, say thanks to God for them, and encourage others to do the same. By doing this, we can make other people feel better and stop the habit of complaining from spreading.

