Green Party of Colorado: Demand that Governor Polis Declare a Climate Emergency
For Immediate Release:
Green Party of Colorado: Demand that Governor Polis Declare a Climate Emergency
Denver, CO — August 12, 2024 — The Green Party of Colorado, in conjunction with its local affiliates, is calling on Governor Jared Polis to declare a climate emergency in the state of Colorado. This urgent appeal is based on the increasing threats posed by climate change to the state’s public safety, property, and the well-being of its residents.
The parties are urging Governor Polis to utilize CRS Section 24–33.5–704, which mandates the governor to address dangers presented by disasters. Climate change, they assert, is an ongoing and escalating danger to Colorado. Inaction is no longer an option. Fire season has grown longer, fires are more intense, and the state is in a megadrought. Man-made climate change is intensifying natural disasters. This has presented a clear and present danger to the public.
Colorado has experienced numerous climate-related disasters, including the devastating floods of 2013, persistent droughts, and the recent and ever-present threat of wildfires. Colorado alone accounts for nearly 1 in 5 of all climate disasters in the US. This has cost the Colorado public over $75 billion in property damage.
Governor Polis must declare a climate emergency to protect Colorado’s people and resources. An official declaration would mobilize state resources to combat the ongoing disasters and take focused action to slow climate change to a level that will be survivable for the human species.
State action is imperative, the national political landscape has refused to consider serious proposals to cost-effectively mitigate the future disasters.
The Green Party invites Colorado residents to join the campaign by adding their names to the petition demanding that Governor Polis declare a climate emergency. This collective action is a crucial step in ensuring that Colorado takes the necessary measures to safeguard its future against the escalating climate crisis.
GPCO Media Contact
Patrick Dillon
(303) 834–2179