My Secret Spice!

The Graceful Table
3 min readFeb 6, 2020


I don’t know about your kitchen these days, but mine is busier than ever! Kids are always on the go, and so am I. There is more work than there seem to be hours in the day to get it all done. With all this busyness, how are we supposed to keep eating healthy?

As we start into February where sugars abound, I already crave savory foods that will keep my tastebuds satisfied. I need all the help I can get to say “no” to all those Valentine’s and birthday treats. So I still need to feed my family good, healthy meals that will keep them from turning into a sweet-tart from the sheer desire to eat them all the time.

One of the ways that I make it through busy times like these is by incorporating one key ingredient — smoked sea salt. You read that right, smoked salt. If you haven’t heard of smoked salts, you are about to be blown away! It has become one of my superpowers in the kitchen and one of the most used items in my spice cabinet.

What makes smoked sea salt so special? It is one simple way I can add that smoked flavor everyone loves without actually smoking anything. And, I don’t have to use bacon or grill my food to get this result. The ways you can use smoked salts are truly endless. Are you ready for a few examples?

  • Red meats (pot roast, burgers, etc.)
  • Eggs
  • White meats (pork, turkey or chicken)
  • Sauces
  • Salad dressings
  • Roasted vegetables

Now I will say that you can choose between coarse and fine sea salt. I usually opt for the coarse, but if you decide you’d like to try it in sauces or salad dressings, I would invest in the fine sea salt option. I love using the coarse salt on ribs and other meats.

I have been amazed at how many people who eat from my table have been shocked when I tell them that smoked sea salt is my secret to a great burger or ribs. Two simple ways I have saved time and have been able to produce a fabulous meal:

  1. Burgers (in cast iron pan on the stovetop) — 2 lbs ground beef + 1 tsp smoked sea salt
  2. Pot Roast (in the instant pot) — 1 (3–4 lbs) roast + 1 cup red wine +
    1-1/2 tsp smoked sea salt

On any given week, I incorporate a simple meat with smoked sea salt into my menu planning. It gives me something that comes out fabulous every time and doesn’t take a lot of prep work. We serve these with lots of veggies on the side and voila! Dinner (plus leftovers for breakfast or lunch the next day)!

So if you haven’t heard of smoked sea salt, definitely check it out. You’ll find that it’s worth the investment into your spice cabinet. Let it become the best-kept secret in your kitchen too!

