Robotics school in BangaloreRobotics schools are a very hot search for the parent to give the latest robotics courses related exposure to the children-right from their school days. Also, why won’t it be? These are the budding intellects of the Gen Alpha times- they are the blooming techies who love to talk, sleep, and walk with technology.

2 min readSep 14, 2022


Schools of this informative age have very intuitively infused robotics courses and robotics classes in the curriculum. Through the robotics courses the schools aim to integrate the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) in the school curriculum of children. Some schools call it a robotics course, while some AI, and a few name it as the progressive STEM classes. Hence, robotics courses are a commonplace section in the curriculum, which catches the attention of parents to acclaim the school as a highly advanced learning platform.

While the new age schools bask in the action of integrating robotics courses in the curriculum, one of them has taken the BIG LEAP, for baby steps for this school The Green School Bangalore (TGSB) have been taken for a long time.

Truly speaking, TGSB has no added crave in persuading parents with their new age integration of learning robotics courses. Robotics courses is a very minuscule part of the BIG STREAM PROGRAMME it runs throughout the learning framework. You might be questioning, ‘what is R and A?’ They are the most significant pebbles of TGSB learning mind maps. Reading and Art.

R and A speak volumes about the TGSB curriculum, which is the best carved programme through the infusion of concepts from the best learning frameworks of the world.

Parents fall for the school for the TGSB curriculum, its approaches to learning, and the assessment criteria defined throughout the TGSB pedagogy.

You know-what is the most meaningful knowledge pebble for the TGSB learning ecosystem?? Way beyond robotics courses. It is the most futuristic way of learning through the design thinking infused in transformative pedagogy. Innovation is the first pebble a TGSBian picks up through inquiry and independent thinking, then comes the pebble of systematic approach to problem solving through which the TGSBian learns to solve one small problem through multiple BIG ways, technology aids the learning through the research management skills, and finally the learning manifests through a prototype or simulation-the model closest to reality.

What more can a parent envision?-Reflect as you read through the lines.

What is more meaningful-robotics courses included in the curriculum or design thinking through transformative pedagogy??

For More Info:-

ROBOTICS school in Bangalore

Schools Near Whitefield

