♠ Unikname AMA Transcript ♠

The Grey CryptoHub
12 min readOct 7, 2021

♠ Segment 1 — Introduction Segment ♠

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
Q1. Could you please Introduce yourself to the community?

hi all, I’m Damien, CTO

It means I’m responsible for technical choices with the team, and checking these choices are "working" 😊

in fact, i’ve been using blockchain frameworks and sdk since 2015

at first on Ethereum, then Hyperledger, then Ark.io

before i was building secured API and products for banking companies

i also founded a now quite big Meetup in France about the blockchain revolution in 2017, where I met @laurentLourenco

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
SO, I’m Laurent, the CEO.
I’m 53 and I’ve started to be interested by crypto and blockchain since 2013

In 2017 I met Damien in a meetup he has founded about blockchain. We’ve been convinced that this technology will play a major role in the futur of the Society and of Internet.

We were both working in software and we were facing two major day to day issues with the full digitalization of the world: we need more and more users account and password on a daily basis, we share personal data, and the number of hack is exploding.

Then we had the idea to use the blockchain technology to face this issue. It’s how Unikname is born.

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
Looks like we have some pro people here😁😁

Looking forward to an informative and energetic session with you!! ♠♠

Time to extract information about Unikname!!!!!

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
Q2. We are so curious about Unikname! please tell us about Unikname in detail.

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:

In one sentence. Unikname = Self-Sovereign Identity as a Service

Unikname Platform provides ready-to-use Decentralized ID products and an integration framework to enhance added value of any websites.

With Unikname, the Digital identity can take the form of one or several pseudonyms. These Decentralized IDentifiers (DID), unique and Non-fungible (NFT), act as proof of trust.

Web platforms integrating Unikname solution provide trust and privacy to their users and easily reinforce cybersecurity.

🔥Unikname aims to revolutionize the web access market and sits in the Digital Identity market that is worth more than $100 billion.

This dynamic and not yet structured market is a strategic challenge for companies and for states as it concerns the protection of the new black gold of the 21st century: data.

🚀 Our mission is to be a key player in the decentralized identity B2B sector and make the internet trustful and safer

In building its platform, Unikname has chosen to focus on extensibility and modularity. As such, the platform is built around essential SSI services that can then be called
upon different use cases.

Unikname SSI Platform is composed of multiples SSI components:
- Decentralized authentication: New generation and single step strong authentication without email or password.
- Privacy-friendly data sharing: Users can share private or confidential data embedded within their Decentralized ID with the websites they’re connected with. (e.g. during a signup a user can share their eMail, during a paiement they can share their VISA card number…)
- Operations and data certification: Certify documents and operations without KYC. Companies can request strong authentication to certify operations (e.g. confirm a workflow step, confirm when someone attends to a meeting...) or to certify data (e.g. timestamp file upload, certify an invoice...).
- Anonymous voting: Setup surveys or votes respecting participant’s privacy and anonymity.
- Digital Identity Management: Manage multiple digital Identities for individuals and their related datas (eg. augmented pseudo in gaming, professional ID...).

So on one side, web platforms integrate Unikname on their website, at least for a new sign-up and login feature for their users

an on the other side, users use https://my.unikname.app on their side to authenticate and interacte with the website

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
I must call this #CEOstyle !!

The above details explains Unikname really well

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
Lemme take a look at the app



Alright so let's see what marketing strategies you have to promote something tremendous🔥 like Unikname

Q3. What are the Long Term Marketing plans of Unikname?

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
We can share a video demo to you

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
Aha please do

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
Here is an example of a user login in the website of a partner: botcrypto.io

strong authentication



and confidential 😉

Let's continu with the Q3 question

Back to question 3, about the Long Term Marketing plan:
The SSI market is an emerging market of $100 billion, mostly B2B we think

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:

so we target the market with software developers and web integrators of any industries

We also address companies that have the culture of innovation and Blockchain sensitivity

so we have/will set up / different strategies

1️⃣strategic partnerships

We aim to develop strategic partnerships with some big players interested in integrating Unikname Solutions within their web products

we count on our community of crypto users to become ambassadors
and to address developers and businesses

For that we give a permanent reward to UniknameID owners that introduce us to new customers 😃

2️⃣ affiliation program

for our users sharing the project with their community

They of course are rewarded in tokens for their work 😁(again)

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:

3️⃣ bounty program

we regularly launch bounty programs for our community to help with content writing, translation, illustration design…

internationalization of our documents ...

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
Here is an example of an open bounty https://www.unikname.network/unikname-network-translation-bounty-program/

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:

Again lemme take a look


Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:

i go on :-)

4️⃣ business events

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
Yep sure!

We will organize operations for developers in interest them to our products with hackathon sessions

And we also participate to trade shows about Digital Identities, Web3, Blockchain ... to present our products and to find new partners and clients

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:

Mr. Grey | The Grey CryptoHub:
The plans are really 😍🔥🔥

♠ Segment 2 — Twitter segment ♠

Mr. Grey | The Grey CryptoHub:
First question from twitter

I read that Unikname is a business-oriented platform composed of out-of-the-box products and an integration framework. But, Do the standardized APIs and cross-language SDKs allow anyone to integrate Unikname concepts into their own application and interact with the chain?

From @TrnTrun19211761

Yes, that’s the vision

1️⃣ Unikname.network is based on Ark.io, a famous running blockchain on the market

we are compatible with all their products, such as wallets, explorer, SDK …

They are available in many coding languages and you can use them to build your own applications on top of Unikname.network

A very specific set of APIs of Unikname is only available on Node.js SDK, but we plan to extend it to other programming languages in 2022

2️⃣ The Unikname solution also relies on open standards: W3C, DIF/Decentralized Identity Foundation, OpenID Connect …

so already thousands of solutions on the market are already compatible with Unikname!

3️⃣ all the Unikname.network ecosystem is open-source

We are opened to external developers contributions of course

Besides their contributions can be eligible for our bounty program 😁

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:

I'm loving these detailed ones

There's a lot of great stuff

Mr. Grey | The Grey CryptoHub:
Likewise ❤️

Second question from twitter

In today's life on the internet, there are many malwares that we should be cautious of and one of it is Phishing which steals personal information from users. How will Unikname make solutions for that as a platform that protects digital identity and self sovereignty?

From @kimterbear

You are right and security is very important for us, at Unikname

First of all, Security by design principle

All our products are designed to be as resistant as possible by design, from the beginning of their design process

eg: our solution is passwordless, so no password to steal !

no centralized database, no database at all, so no massive leak of data is possible in the Unikname ecosystem

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
here comes the Decentralized World 😉

But it’s not enough, so ...

Secondly, Security is a major key element of our development process

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:

We choose only matured and maintained solutions to build our softwares

All our engineers are aware of how to do secured developments

and they have regular training about that

All developments are peer reviewed of course

But it’s not enough, so ...

Thirdly, auditable AND audited code

Most of the Unikname source code is open source, and anyone can audit it

Check it out at https://github.com/unik-name

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:

And critical parts of the code have already been audited been audited by 3rd parties

And it will be done again regularly 💪

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
And on a more end user point of view, it's important to understand that most of users' data are in the smartphone of the user and only on the smartphone

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:

Good one

Mr. Grey | The Grey CryptoHub:

Mr. Grey | The Grey CryptoHub:
Third question from twitter

I read that you recently opened the Ambassador program. Can you explain how we can participate in this Ambassador program? Are you considering recruiting some "community ambassadors" in the future?

From @themiracleboy0

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
Thank you for this question.

@themiracleboy0 is following our announcements, that’s great 👍

As already mentionned the ambassador program allows any individual owning a UniknameID to recommend a web platform that can integrate Unikname on it.

A good entry point is to integrate the Decentralized Authentication.

This can be done in less than 2 hours with a plugging, according to the technology of the web site 😉

And our business model is Our business model is based on reward sharing

The $UNIK tokens spent by the webplatform to access SSI services are shared between 3 players

Let me share a picture

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
The ambassdor is one important part of this reward sharing system

With this program, your mission is to catch brands that UniknameID owners (end users) think could be helping Unikname increase its visibility and of course they’ll get $UNIK Tokens for that!

So for us all community ambassadors aims to become UniknameID owners

they will earn more tokens

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:

Mr. Grey | The Grey CryptoHub:
Awesome guys💥

Fourth question from twitter

One of the features of Unikname is that it is open with MULTILINGUAL NAMING SYSTEM. Can you tell us more about the language options in your platform that will exterminate language barrier?

From @kimterbear

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
great one ♥️

From the early beginning we had an international vision of the solution

One very important key point of the decentralized world is that it’s borderless.
I’m thinking about the list of fundamentals exposed by the famous KOL Andrea Antonopoulos

_The world is not latin not ascii 😁_

The self-sovereign identity neither

Human-readable Decentralized UnikameID can be created with an special alphabet we named Safe-Typo.

Currently this alphabet includes 614 characters https://github.com/unik-name/SafeTypo/blob/master/alphabet.md, and covers mainly latin scripts characters but can be easily extended.

Our R&D team has worked with the Unicode characters usable to build identifiers.

We will accept 14 scripts, that means many alphabets from all over the world

Unikname aims to be universal, in a decentralized world, and in multi-cultural and multilingual world

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:


Cheers to the great aim

Mr. Grey | The Grey CryptoHub:
Fifth question from twitter

What's the milestones you have achieved and about your upcoming plans? How do you plan to increase the demand for tokens in the crypto space?

From @ramifabiya

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
We've prepared a list for you:

🔸Fully Committed and Experimented Team: 10 people located in France and Germany. All are passionate about the ecosystem of the decentralized economy and Blockchain.

🔸Incorporated since 2018, equity with funding rounds of $900k

🔸Layer 1 blockchain built on Ark .io, specialized in Decentralized ID based on NFTs

🔸Livenet up and running since 2019. +16k UniknameID created, +30 partners.

🔸Twitter Community of +25k Followers

🔸+5000 UniknameID owners whitelisted for the community Investment Round

Up to now the UNIK token had very few use cases.

After testing the market we’ve decided to fully tokenize our business model. It's a reason why we go to a TGE and to be listed on Uniswap

So early next year we won’t sell anymore subscription plans or thinks like that, and we will make a great place to the $UNIK token.

$UNIK utility tokens give UniknameID NFT Owners access to SSI services:

* Web platforms get credits from $UNIK that are spent by users when accessing Unikname services (e.g. Decentralized authentication, vote, data certification…)

* Users can be rewarded with $UNIK for authenticated operations (e.g. data sharing…)

So the demand of UNIK will increase with the number of web platforms integrating our solution, and with the use of the solution by their users.

Mr. Grey | The Grey CryptoHub:
Perfect strategy!

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
Five stars to another detailed one


Well can we take a look

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
Questions from your community was very good. Thank's

Mr. Grey | The Grey CryptoHub:
Thanks to our grey family


Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
What kind of NFTs we can see or own

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
My personal decentralized ID, my UniknameID is "Jack-Sparrow".

This Unique ID, is minted into the unikname.network blockchain as an NFT.

And belongs to me and only me. It's a DID : Decentralized ID

You can get on or more if you whish

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
Sounds great!!

♠ Segment 3 — LIVE segment ♠

1)Do you have Whitepaper if yes, please share it with as secondly do you have plans for pre-sale? Now where can we Join it?

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
Here is the whitepaper https://github.com/unik-name/unikname-papers/blob/master/unikname_whitepaper.pdf

And about the presale, https://www.unikname.network/token-sale

2)Can you explain, which one is your top priority? Security, Product, Partnership, or Token price?

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
We make a difference between the most important things which is the security, and the priorities:
At the time to write:
1. Partnership
2. Product
3. Token Price

The token price is somewhere a consequence of a good project and so good partners and a good product

But for us the top priority at that moment, is to build a great community around our project, it's why we're here talking with you 😍

3)I want to invest to #UnikName project. Where i buy your token? Is it available on any exchange?

$UNIK ERC20 token will be tradable on DEx in the next weeks

In the meantime:
👉 the private sale is already opened for investors
👉 a community sale, for owners of UniknameID, will be opened very soon! Take your UniknameID to participate

Full details about the $UNIK token sale : https://www.unikname.network/token-sale

4) According to the roadmap, what are your most important next priorities? Does your team have enough funds and strong community to achieve those milestones?

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
Our roadmap includes products milestone, marketing milestones and financial milestones.

Product —> 1. Platform V2 (see our whitepaper, and our detailled roadmap), 2. Extend alphabets

Marketing —> 1. Boost the ambassador program

Financial —> 1. The TGE and the IDO

About our community, here is some figures

As you can see, our community is growing fast, with qualitative accounts 😉

5) How strong is your team? Many projects starts with good impression and later abandoned the project. What makes your project different than others?

We are a fully Committed and Experimented Team: 10 people located in France and Germany, with 5 to 30 years of experience each

And 23 blockchain delegates promoting Unikname products

We have been working since 2018 on Unikname, with failures, but also with many successes 💪 especially a working product (Unikname v1) and many clients and partners!
We are still there, and we will be there also in 3, 6 and 10 years!

All of us are passionate about the ecosystem of the decentralized economy, Blockchain and the way the Decentralized IDentity can revolutionized the Internet

Investing in Unikname is a way to support us in the long term 🚀


♠ Segment concluded ♠

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
Unikname name should be

Unique name

A unique project indeed

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:

Mr. Grey | The Grey CryptoHub:
Hahaha exactly!!😂🔥

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
Cheers to the dedication you guys have

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
You're right

Thank you

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
Before we conclude today's session

Any last message you want to convey to the Grey Community !!??

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
Yes for sure thanks

Thanks again to the Grey Crypto Hub Team and thanks everyone for your interest in Unikname Network! It was a very interesting AMA.

It’s also a good opportunity to announce that we just launched our Private sale and that we’ve just released our Tokenomics! You can find it all here : https://www.unikname.network/token-sale/

Also, we invite you to create your own UniknameID : https://my.unikname.app/ and to test our authentication solution in live, on one of our partner’s website : https://botcrypto.io/

Thank you very much for the good question

This was a very interesting AMA

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
The pleasure is all ours

Laurent Lourenco - Unikname:
You're welcome

Mrs.Grey | The Grey Crypto Hub:
Don't forget to check grey Community

Also do join



Thank you so much everyone gor joining us today!!!

Mr. Grey | The Grey CryptoHub:
Special thanks to @laurentLourenco and @dlecan for such an informative session.



The Grey CryptoHub

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