Will we have free will in Heaven?

3 min readOct 5, 2023

When I was a child in church I recall the pastor saying that Heaven was called the land of no tears, and that it’s a place of only happiness and total bliss. And while I have no doubt that Heaven will be just like what I have heard, I have some questions. Such as: Will we have free will in Heaven?


And will we be the same people with all our earthly memories in tact? From what I know of the Bible I understand that in Heaven we will all be given glorious eternal bodies. And obviously our brains which are part of our earthly bodies will most likely have died, so will our memories from life on Earth have passed away with our old bodies?

And it’s said that in Heaven, sin will not exist, therefore it’s safe to assume that Heaven will change us in the afterlife, because though we are forgiven, we are currently sinful beings, Apparently in Heaven that changes. They say we won’t even have the desire to sin in Heaven. So if we are altered to lack the desire of sin which is actually a good thing, are we still the same people we were on Earth with memories of our identity intact? Or will we be different beings all together?

Most Bible scholars say yes we will have free will, but won’t have the desire to sin. But isn’t removing that desire, somewhat talking away free will in a sense? I actually wonder these things, but at the same time, I’m trying…




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