Quantum Informant Injection

Subverting the guard nodes to jihad

thaddeus t. grugq
5 min readFeb 12, 2016

I want to expand on some tweets I made recently

Get your finger off the trigger! — Junaid Hussain, dead jihadi

The FBI is charged with protecting the United States from terrorist ¹ attacks. Since there are very few actual trained Islamic terrorists in the US (probably somewhere between zero and none) this is a awkward job. Given that there are (probably) no existing actual terrorists, the FBI need to find potential terrorists. How does one find terrorists in their larval stage?

¹ I, much like the FBI, will be ignoring right wing domestic terrorists, even though they are a greater threat.

Federal Bureau of Islamic jihad

What organization has mounted the most terrorist plots in the United States since 9/11? The FBI.

As part of its key mission of trying to stop the next terrorist attack, the law enforcement agency has mounted more than 30 plots that were, of course, sting operations in reality.

Source: CNN

The single most effective technique that the FBI has for detecting potential terrorists is to recruit them into a faux terrorist network. In the years after 9/11 this was done by inserting informants into mosques across America and getting them to attract “hotheads.” The informants figured out that simply waiting for hotheads to arrive was not very effective, so they actively sought out losers that they could manipulate into “terrorism.” This worked out great for the FBI — loads of high profile arrests, press conferences, and publicity. It worked out pretty well for the informants, who got well compensated plus rewarded with praise by their handlers. It did not work out all that well for the dim witted dupes suckered into these schemes, but, hey, two outta three ain’t bad.

Jihobbiest Fashion and Lifestyle Guide

Maybe he’s born with it? Maybe it’s jihad? — Jihadi Jack Sparrow

The world is full of confused, aggrieved, alienated young men who lack a purpose in life. Some of these young men are muslims, and some of them latch onto a fantasy of being a Muslim Warrior for Great Justice a jihadi. Many of them operate at the jihobbiest level, where they play the Muslim Justice Warrior online, but never actually pose a real threat to anyone (except their future selves who’ll look back in horror at their olive oil slicked hair and guyliner.)

the foreigner[ fighters] weren’t needed. Afghanistan, Kashmir and Burma weren’t short of fighters and the foreigners generally had far less experience than the locals.

Source: LongForm

These jihobbiest bros aren’t likely to progress to the next level, actually taking action. If they do travel to Syria to join the war, they’ll find not only that the locals are much better warriors, but that the attrition rate for foreign fighters is extremely high. “Hey, Abu Rando al-Westerner, go stop a bullet for one of the brothers. Leave your new Nikes behind, kthnxbai

In August the US government-funded Western Jihadism Project, based at Brandeis University in Massachusetts, said that around a third of the 2,000 Westerners who had travelled to Syria and Iraq since 2011 had died. It predicted that to rise to a half.

Source: LongForm

Climbing the Stairway to Jannah

One critical phase for the aspiring terrorist is gaining access to the wider jihadi network. This community is able to provide training (such as it is), funding, and guidance. The aspiring terrorist is, after all, just an angry young [loser] man with no military experience. While there are videos that purport to teach how to cook explosives, there’s a higher chance of learning how to cook gourmet meals. YouTube is good for cat videos, but not so good for learning complex skills.

Which way to the Jihad?

For the aspiring terrorist, gaining access to a real terrorist network is a crucial first step². Without training, guidance, funding or direction, these guys would just be what they already are — losers. The entry point into the jihadist world is thus a critical juncture for the terrorist and the security forces. Once the terrorist has joined a network, the potential for effective lethal violence increases dramatically. In theory, anyway. In the US even supposedly trained terrorists have had an abysmal record.

² The aspiring terrorist can also attempt to form their own cell, following the leaderless resistance model. The search for like minded individuals will probably turn up FBI informants, but even if it doesn’t, several inept untrained men aren’t necessarily any more deadly than just one.

Secret Handshake and a Decoder Ring

Jihadi networks have a problem. In order to be effective they must be secret, hidden from the view of security forces. At the same time, they need to be discoverable by aspiring recruits. First contact for a volunteer is basically TOFU (Time Of First Use) authentication — they are stuck trusting whomever they encounter first.

The potential terrorist searching for an entry point into jihad is extremely vulnerable to a man in the middle attack. [See this example from Northern Ireland.] The opportunity to QUANTUM inject an informant at this stage is a technique that the FBI relies on heavily. Despite using the exact same play dozens of times, and making media announcements every single time it succeeds, the informant injection technique continues to be successful. Do none of these potential terrorists ever watch the news?

High Profile Security

One safe solution to making a secure authenticated connection with a hidden network is to have public guard nodes. These nodes are authenticated by the network — they’re legitimate members — and they are publicly accessible, so that volunteers can find them. This allows a volunteer to reach an authentic member of the secret network, and thus make contact with a legitimate jihadist group.

There is, however, one minor down side for the high profile contact though.

Hellfire, it’s whats for breakfast.

