Client of the Quarter (Mar-Jun 2018) Winner: Victoria Fletcher

Every three months I run a competition for my clients. Which is their chance to win £2000 from me.

Adam Berry — The Gym Starter
3 min readJul 14, 2018


Its actually £50. But they get this £50 as an Amazon Voucher, Meal Out Voucher or something else that will give them an experience as a reward.

Experiences are far better for your happiness levels than purchases.

The competition started in May and went through to June 2018. And was bloody well fought.

This Quarters Winner was the wonderful Victoria Fletcher.

Vicky put her marker down really early on and it was a case of whether or not she could keep her momentum going for a whole three months.

Vicki has the small matter of a 50-mile walk to complete in August 2018 and the last quarter that has passed was a massive step in her preparation to compete in the race. Vicky set herself three rather ambitous goals in March.

One was called ‘Chin Up Glory’. To be able to do one single Chin Up in 3 months may not sound like a hard challenge…but it really is. The way in which Vicky developed and got over here fears with this goal, and her attitude to achieving it was simply astounding. I remember how petrified Vicky was when I first asked her to stand on a step and grip the chin-up bars. She could hardly move for fear of how high up she was…and how little confidence she had in herself. But she worked through it. We did a fair number of Assisted Chin Ups with a Resistance Band, and she very quickly progressed through these until she didn’t need them anymore. In the last session of the Quarter Vicki, came agonisingly close to one single chin up, on her second attempt. I felt so bad informing her that I just helped her over the tiniest moment in the movement, she looked crestfallen.

But she carried on trying…and was well aware of her progress in this goal. That Chin Up I will remember for a long time. Not because of the result, but because of the journey she had been on for three months in order to get that close. The fears she overcame should not be underestimated.

Her other goals were body weight related, and food related. And to say she worked hard on this is an understatement. Vicki managed to curb the Latte Habit (if you want to see how many calories are in a Latte listen to my Podcast here: Episode 15 of The Fit Stop Pod). She also managed to cut out refined sugar.

And I don’t just mean sweets.

She cut out pretty much all refined sugar from her diet.

Vicki has also been walking like a trooper. Like every weekend she has managed nearly 26miles or more, and then still come to training the next day and worked through her aching body in order to keep moving towards her overall goal which is the 50 mile race.

Vicki also nailed every home workout I set out. Whether this was a 10 minute workout in my #BuildYourSassy programme, or my client 30 Challenges. She also followed my system perfectly:

1. Set Goals every week

2. Attended her sessions

3. Booked her weekly call

4. Has been honest with herself and her coach.

I have no idea how she does it.

She has managed all of this…

And still worked as a lawyer.

Still been a mother to her 1 year old son

And a wife to her husband.

As well as a dear friend to her coach.

The biggest reason Vicki has won this competition…isn’t because of the result as we don’t know the result. She hasn’t done the walk yet.

But its because of the hard work she has put in to get there. This is a story of success in the process. Not the result.

I am proud to call you my first Client of the Quarter Vicky.

And cant wait to see the selfie when you cross the finish line!

Well done, and enjoy your badge!



Adam Berry — The Gym Starter

I teach people how to start and succeed in their fitness journey. Find out more here: Thank you so much for being here.