The Story of Malcha Village


By Puneet Siinghal, GYSRL Youth Advisory Board Member

In the heart of Delhi lies a village that history often overlooks. Malcha Village, once thriving and vibrant, was reduced to an abandoned settlement whose land was snatched away to make way for India’s Parliament and other government buildings. Its narrative is one that only I can write about — a story of loss and sacrifice, interlaced with the pressing concerns of our planet’s climate and the active involvement of its younger inhabitants.

Our story begins with the villagers, the very soul of Malcha. These individuals were the stewards of a fertile land, nurturing it with respect, shaping their identity around it, and in return, the land provided for them. Our primary character is a young boy, Veer, a direct descendant of the original settlers. He is unaware of his village’s deep-rooted history but has a keen interest in climate change and its impact.

Antique Map, Survey of India, Government of India, 1989

Veer’s journey towards understanding his lineage, the exploitation of his ancestors, and the climate change implications involved is the pivot around which our story revolves. Each step Veer takes uncovers another layer of the untold story of Malcha Village, and with it, another facet of the harsh realities that his ancestors faced and the climate change threats that the world now faces.

The land that once bore crops and resonated with the laughter and lively discussions of the villagers was barren now, a grim reminder of what was lost. The very soil that was tilled by Veer’s ancestors now supported concrete and marble structures of authority.

As Veer unraveled the history of Malcha, his character grows and evolves. The heartache of learning about the loss his ancestors faced is deeply moving. Still, it further ignites his passion for understanding how such exploitation can lead to environmental consequences. He learned about the microclimate that once thrived there, the biodiversity it hosted, and how all of that changed with rapid urbanization.

His journey is not a solitary one. Veer represents every young individual who takes it upon themselves to understand and act on the climate change crisis. Through his journey, we want our audience to realize the interlinked nature of our actions, how past decisions still echo in our present environment, and why we, the younger generation, need to learn from it.

Our narrative strives to strike a balance between fact and emotion. The stark realities of the land acquisition in Malcha and the resulting environmental implications are facts that cannot be undermined. But woven through these facts is the emotional journey of Veer, his struggle with learning the harsh truths, and his determination to make a difference.

The Malcha story is a poignant tale of loss, growth, and the constant struggle between progress and preservation. It aims to make the readers understand the cost of urbanization, not just in human terms but also in environmental impact. Through Veer’s eyes, they will learn about climate change in a context closer to home, hopefully igniting a spark within them to become more involved in climate action.

This story, in its raw authenticity and truthfulness, hopes to resonate with the readers, particularly the youth, and inspire them to ponder their role in addressing climate change. For at its heart, this is not just Malcha’s story, but a narrative that finds echoes in every corner of our rapidly changing world.

For more, follow Puneet on Twitter or Linkedin and follow the GYSRL on Twitter



The Global Youth Storytelling and Research Lab

The Global Youth Storytelling and Research Lab (GYSRL) is a collaborative research and storytelling Lab based at Penn State. We highlight global youth advocacy