Today Is My Thirtieth Birthday.

by LA Markuson

The Haiku Guys + Gals
3 min readJan 6, 2017

What do you do when you finally reach a milestone of adulthood and the world around you feels like total madness? Reflect, write poems, share love, and do something good, I suppose.

These are 30 haiku of thanks, dedicated to 30 people who have been pivotal in helping me find my path, grow my inner power, and learn to love. Whether a specific conversation, saving me in a time of crisis, opening my mind to a new concept, showing me something about myself, or being a role model and supporter for decades, you’ve made me me.

In a good way.

My gratitude for you all, and many others not listed here, is immense.

All my love,

Lisa Ann Markuson

