#12-13 UX Research: Analysis and Synthesis

Harsh Shah
1 min readApr 27, 2018


Phew, what a journey! It’s the third week of the UX Research class and we have come far. We started with the historical analysis, desk research, emotional mapping, competitive analysis and field research, now it was time to aggregate and synthesise this information.

We collected all our notes and put them into stickies. The glass wall in the classroom was filled with them. We started synthesizing the desk research first. We wrote all our insights on sticky notes. We found a pattern and divided them into various identifiable groups. The groups helped us to identify the various pain points and statistics to understand the entire job search process.

The next step was to do the same for the historical analysis. The information gathered from the historical analysis helped us to create a timeline and everything started to make sense. The established pattern helped us predict the future of the job searching process and where it was going.

The third step was to synthesize the field research. We gathered all the interview insights we got from the recruiters and seekers. We thought of applying the same process as the desk research i.e. sort similar information into an identifiable category. We had luck with the seekers but the same couldn’t be achieved with the recruiters. The recruiters led us to a more linear process.

The final step was to gather all the insights and look for the opportunities where the problem of job searching could be solved.

