Oracle Card of The Day: — June 16th: Perception

The Healer~ The Oracle~
3 min readJun 16, 2023

Good morning, rays of light! We’re shifting! This phase is shift or be shifted. Today’s card is Perception (Heart chakra).

See yesterday’s card here.

For these readings, I’m channeling from any collective and from all walks of life.

*Take what resonates and leave the rest. Flip energies where needed.

  • If you would like to work with me for a personalised card reading or 1:1, please click here.

Channeled Message:

  • Okay.. Someone here is stuck in a lower-vibrational mindset. I see a transparent veil. You can get through this so easily.
  • I sense frustration. It’s like you’ve been trying so hard to break through and don’t know what it is. I see subconscious self-sabotage.
  • I see anxiety. Someone here is scared of that next step. I’m hearing, “For what?” For some, it’s as simple as reading that book you’ve been saying you’d read or cleaning up a section of your house you’ve been neglecting.
  • You’re being blessed and don’t even know it. You could be staring out at the world with a lack of mindset. You are upset at the fact that things are leaving your life or are changing in ways that you can’t comprehend. Let go of control.
  • Grief (explained or…



The Healer~ The Oracle~

Oracle/Twin Flame/Multi-disciplinary creative🪷🕉️ •Raising vibrations🦋🪐💫 •Kindness|Compassion|Authenticity💗 👇🏾Heal with me✨