How to Effectively Use Positive Affirmations

Helen Doherty
6 min readAug 13, 2022


Create It, Say It, Visualize It and Live It

Steamphunkt Sunset by The Helen Doherty

Achieve your goals by using positive affirmations, and the most effective way to do this is to write them down and repeat them frequently. Positive affirmations should be short and simple enough to be repeated repeatedly, and they should be written down or posted somewhere visible and easily recalled. These can be written on post-its, your smartphone’s background, your fridge, and your bathroom mirror. Posting positive affirmations where you’ll see them is a great way to keep them in your head and visualize them.

create it

Positive affirmations are powerful tools that counteract negative thinking. They anchor in the body and mind, and help you move from a concept to a positive embodiment. Here are some tips for using affirmations effectively:

First, your affirmation needs to sound as if you already have what you’re wishing for. It should be an actual statement, and not a dream. Affirmations that describe your desired state are most effective in the morning, when you have time to think and plan your day. Some people use affirmations before they go to bed to help them sleep better. It’s up to you which way works for you.

Next, write your affirmation as many times as possible. Affirmations can touch on many aspects of your life. Be sure that they reflect what’s important to you and resonate with you. They should also inspire you to take action. Therefore, you should write your affirmation with your priorities in mind. If you’re having a difficult time writing one, you can look for examples online or use the ones below. This way, you’ll get fresh ideas and new perspectives on the topic.

Affirmations can be made neutral, future-oriented, or reality-based. The key is to write your affirmation frequently enough to make it a habit. Ultimately, affirmations are best used with the support of positive thinking and goal-setting techniques. You can even make them as a question. Just remember to keep your affirmations brief and positive so they will become part of your daily life.

Once you’ve written your affirmation, create a vision board for it. Create a vision board if you need to set specific goals. The Clever Fox Planner makes it easy to set goals and write down your affirmations on each day. A vision board helps you visualize the results you’re hoping to achieve. In addition to a daily affirmation, a weekly affirmation can be written in a monthly layout.

Affirmations are effective ways to change your worldview. It’s a powerful way to remove negative thought patterns, boost self-esteem, and attract resources and opportunities. They’re also an excellent way to re-connect with gratitude and make progress in your life. You’ll discover more about yourself as well as what you need in order to accomplish your goals. They can also be useful tools for brainstorming ideas that you’d rather not be thinking about.

Speak it

Speak it to use positive affirmations effectively, and you’ll soon see the difference in your mood and quality of life. By creating affirmations that link to your core values, you can help yourself stay focused and counter negative thoughts. They can be as specific as focusing on a particular trait, or as general as reaffirming that you are grateful for your current situation. The more specific your affirmations are, the more likely they’ll stick in your mind.

Speak it to use positive affirmations effectively, and it’s important to repeat your statements out loud at least three times daily. This is a good habit to get into, as it can be done while applying makeup or shaving. It’s also helpful to write down your new belief and read it to yourself. The style of the words you use can help reinforce the belief you’re forming. You can even use existing habits to help you form a new habit and reinforce your new belief.

As mentioned before, positive affirmations work, but they’re not easy to speak. As long as you can separate yourself from your inner critic, you’ll find it easier to speak your affirmations. The interrogative form of the simple future tense and mindfulness will help you focus on the words and phrases that you’re speaking. By speaking it, you’ll be more likely to believe it and make the change.

Another way to use positive affirmations effectively is through visualization. Although visualization is useful in some instances, it’s important to remember that using positive affirmations does require practice. You have to repeat them for a long period of time to actually change the brain’s chemistry. Using positive affirmations is akin to exercising. Just owning a pair of running shoes doesn’t change your body’s chemistry.

Positive affirmations work best when you have higher self-esteem. Low-esteem people might find it helpful to use affirmations whenever they want to feel better, but the same technique can make them feel worse. This is why it’s important to boost your self-esteem before using affirmations. The same way that you boost your confidence before a presentation, you can do the same with your negative thoughts. In fact, positive affirmations can help you brainstorm new ideas and get rid of bad ones.

Visualize it

If you want to improve your life, try using visualization. Visualization can help you visualize your future and a specific goal. You should be the focal point of attention in your visualization. Do not play the passive role. Focus on your happiness and success. If you are able to visualize yourself smiling, you’re more likely to attract similar feelings. If you have trouble visualizing, try to make your visualizations as vivid as possible.

It is also important to remember that visualization doesn’t necessarily guarantee results. Your beliefs and expectations matter. You need to trust the process and believe that it will work for you. If you are unable to imagine something, you can just pretend. Visualization will still work, though. Thousands of people have had positive experiences by visualizing. To make use of this powerful tool, visualize the things that you want. And believe in yourself enough that you will achieve your goal.

When you visualize your goal, you are establishing new beliefs. You can do this by picturing yourself living your new beliefs. For instance, you can see yourself speaking confidently, acting confidently, and becoming stronger and more capable. Your brain is divided into two halves, the left and right sides. Both halves of your brain are responsible for different aspects of performance. Therefore, visualizing helps you train your left side, which is associated with logical thinking, while the right side is associated with emotions.

When practicing visualization, it is essential to make your visual images vivid. Using all of your senses will improve the quality of your mental images. You should also avoid distractions while practicing visualization. Once you have created a vivid mental image, you should write it down. Visualization works best when you can see your desired experience in detail. As you become more experienced with visualizing, you will develop a clearer, more complete vision.

In addition to visualizing, you can also practice using affirmations in the form of mantras. Positive affirmations are the keys to attracting what you want into your life. And when combined with creative visualization, these mantras will work wonders. And you’ll be surprised at the transformations you will notice! Keep reading to learn how to effectively use visual imagery. When you visualize the outcome of your goal, you’ll be able to use it as an effective tool for your life!

Live it

You’ve probably heard that using positive affirmations can make you feel better. It’s true. However, you may be wondering how to effectively use affirmations. While they do help, they’re not a magical cure-all. There are many things to keep in mind when using them. For example, they may take time to become habits. But with time, you’ll start noticing positive changes. Here’s how.

Affirmations can help you stay focused and counteract negative feelings. Ideally, you should use them in conjunction with other strategies, such as goal-setting and visualization. You may need to seek professional help if your self-esteem is very low. If this is the case for you, then using positive affirmations is an excellent way to boost your self-esteem.

Positive affirmations can help you eliminate negative thoughts and reframe your negative thoughts into positive ones. Affirmations are like exercises for the brain. Using them daily can help you change your negative thought patterns into more positive ones. However, there are people who don’t see much of a boost in self-esteem after using affirmations. If that’s the case, you may need to tweak your positive affirmations a bit.

