How to create a community

A how-to guide to help you create your first hello community!

hello network
3 min readApr 13, 2018


If you are wanting to create your first hello community, you may be wondering how you can do this and what steps you will need to take. Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Below are two ways you can create a hello community and step-by-step instructions on how to do each option.

Option 1 — Earn an achievement (best option)

Step 1

Decide what persona your community would belong to.

  • Example: If you want to create a fashion community, you’ll want to unlock the ‘fashion enthusiast’ persona.

Step 2

Now that you know the persona that you need for your community, post a jot relevant to that persona and tag the jot with the relevant persona.

  • Example: Since you decided you would like to create a fashion community, you will want to post a jot about fashion and then tag the ‘fashion enthusiast’ persona.

Step 3

After your jot is posted, you will begin to earn hearts and comments on that jot. Every interaction you earn from others (hearts and comments) helps you get closer to unlocking that persona’s first achievement.

  • Example: After you have posted your jot about fashion and tagged the ‘fashion enthusiast’ persona, you will start to earn hearts and comments. Every heart and comment you receive puts you one step closer towards unlocking the ‘fashion enthusiast’ achievement.

Tip: Not getting hearts or comments? Post another jot! Original content and high quality jots tend to get more hearts and comments than stolen content or spam.

Step 4

Once you unlock an achievement (the hello app will notify you), you can create a community in that persona!

**The community MUST be relevant to the persona you unlock, or it risks being delisted from community browse and search.**

Option 2— Unlock a persona with hello coins

If you don’t want to spend the time unlocking an achievement, you can opt to use your hello coins to unlock a persona. Here is how you do that:

Step 1

Go to the community tab and tap ‘create community’

Step 2

Tap a persona that relates to the topic of your community. Make sure it is relevant to your community, or you risk it not being shown to others.

Step 3

A pop-up will appear. You’ll want to tap the ‘unlock’ button at the bottom of the popup and if you have enough coins (1,500) — you’ll be able to create a community in that persona.

Don’t have enough coins? Tap the purchase button and you’ll be shown an option to ‘purchase coins’.

So why do we require you to earn an achievement or use hello coins?

The reason we have users prove their passion for a persona (by earning an achievement or using their hard earned coins) is that it helps prevent a few things:

  1. Prevent spam: People are not able to create large amounts of communities to spam the app.
  2. Reducing ‘squatting’: People are not able to squat on topics/subjects they don’t care about or are not very passionate about.
  3. Moderate effectively: It helps the hello team moderate the community more efficiently so that everyone can have a better experience.

Have more questions or want to send us feedback? Shake your phone (while using the hello app) to get in touch with the hello team!



hello network

hello is an app that helps you meet people who share your interests. Make new friends and explore what likeminded people are sharing —