what is hello?

hello network
3 min readMay 23, 2016

When we connect, we expand our networks, our possibilities and our happiness. We discover awesome people and have interesting conversations. We build new friendships, plan meetups, and collaborate on our ideas. We even start businesses and find our soulmates.

Yet, even with the rise of social networking, connecting online hasn’t been easy.

We search through hundreds of networking sites and join apps that promise to help make us friends. We post photos and share updates with the dream that someone cool might discover us. We browse dozens of hashtags and filter through unbelievable amounts of spam to find potential connections. We occasionally find interesting people and hope that our comment, tweet or friend request won’t go ignored — but more than often, they do.

With so much opportunity to better connect the world, we set out and created hello.

so what is hello?

hello is an app that connects you to people who share your interests and passions. Members of hello connect with new people by exploring what likeminded people are sharing - through a feature called personas.

A persona represents a specific interest or passion, and are used to tag content, filter and curate your personal feed, while also helping you discover and connect with likeminded people. There are over 100 personas to choose from on hello (such as fashion lover, outdoorsman and photographer) and continue to expand as the hello community grows.

tell me more…

Personas solve a lot of problems that exist with current hashtag search, user-generated communities, and content tagging. Hashtags and user-created communities are great ways to highly customize content and community identities, but face huge obstacles in the user search experience. Some of these problems include fragmentation, incorrect spelling, spam abuse, and poor discoverability in crowded topics. Along with these complications, some of these methods require a lot of effort on behalf of the user, and in some cases, the community creators/moderators.

By using personas, the hello community is presented with a smarter, and more effortless, method of sharing, exploring, discovering and connecting people who share something in common. Added with our location feature, hello is able to bridge online friendship to the offline world by introducing members who share nearby locations — so that if you’re interested in making friends whom you can meet in real life, you’ll be able to easily do so on hello.

how to join hello

We created hello to help people better connect, to expand social networks, to increase the possibilities of greatness, and to make the world a happier place. If you’re interested in joining an early community and meeting friendly, fun and interesting people today — we’d love to have you join us!

Download hello for both iPhone and Android here.

*hello is currently available in the US, but you can sign up here to be notified when we launch in your country.



hello network

hello is an app that helps you meet people who share your interests. Make new friends and explore what likeminded people are sharing — hello.com