Verilife: Pharmacan’s Dispensary Brand Evolution

5 min readAug 21, 2023


Photo by GRAS GRÜN on Unsplash

PharmaCann, a big cannabis company, moved its Schaumburg store to Arlington Heights strategically. The company moved and adopted a new name and logo, Verilife. The flagship facility shows the company’s dedication to learning from the East’s shifting medical markets. To fulfil local patients and policymakers’ demands, Verilife serves a wide range of individuals. Verilife, from the Latin veri, “truth,” seeks to openly embrace cannabis’ full potential.

Verilife dispensaries are PharmaCann Inc.-owned. PharmaCann Inc., one of the largest privately held, vertically integrated cannabis companies in the US, serves the medical and adult-use markets with high-quality, safe, and reliable products. PharmaCann operates in six states.

Mission of Verilife
Is to enhance quality of life by altering people’s ideas about cannabis and showing its medical potential.


Verilife opened its first store in late June, causing a commotion. CEO Teddy Scott said the dispensary’s glass walls and open architecture help patients consider medical marijuana. This dispensary is only the beginning of PharmaCann’s makeover. The company has secured a retail licence in Ohio’s competitive medical sector and plans to operate a second Maryland store by summer. PharmaCann’s PharmaCannis-branded dispensaries will progressively switch to the contemporary form when leases expire and new opportunities arise.

World Expansion

PharmaCann’s retail rebranding shows its thoughtfulness given the cannabis industry’s rapid evolution. The team focused on Eastern states’ medicinal cannabis markets’ requirements and goals rather than reading tea leaves or predicting the future. Eastern U.S. medical markets have stricter regulations than the West’s and are modified to match patients’ evolving needs. PharmaCann and other companies are preparing to contact with patients and provide cannabis medicines to combat the opioid crisis in many Eastern states.

Photo by Shelby Ireland on Unsplash

Eastern Renaissance

In 2013, Illinois legalized medicinal marijuana, sparking a cannabis boom in the East. Unfortunately, the market was young and its customers unknown. These markets are now mature after several years. Illinois’ SB 336 shows that more states are linking the opioid issue to medicinal cannabis. Due of the programmes’ success and popular acceptability, politicians and stakeholders are increasingly open to medicinal cannabis.

Diversifying Patient Needs

PharmaCann is expanding its brand from Illinois to the East’s sophisticated, developing medical markets. Due to its better understanding of the cannabis space procurement industry, the company has improved its real estate acquisition. PharmaCann also understands current healthcare patient needs better.

One-on-one sessions

Registered cannabis professionals advise with Verilife customers. Employees who routinely treat patients with serious conditions must receive compassion fatigue training.

Medical cannabis and the opioid epidemic

PharmaCann suggests expanding medicinal cannabis programmes due to the opioid problem. New York tracks opioid prescriptions and medical cannabis dispensary visits to assess cannabis’s potential as an opioid alternative. Cannabis is becoming more regarded as a medicine as society sees its effectiveness in fighting opioids. Their brand exemplifies this transition and the mixing of healthcare and retail in medicine.

Photo by Plants for Persephone on Unsplash

Patient Education for Better Decisions

They emphasize patient education in their clinics. Staff are cannabis experts, ensuring patients receive the most current and accurate information. This patient education enables for more personalised treatment programmes that address the patient’s requirements and preferences.

Affordable and Accessible

Verilife dispensaries provide friendly places to serve their patients. Patient access spaces are light and friendly for all ages and medical backgrounds. Reliable dispensary access for mobility-impaired people is also a need.

Caring and Concern

Verilife values empathy and compassion. Staff are trained to prevent compassion fatigue to better engage with critical medical patients. This empathy helps dispensary staff build patient trust.

Community Engagement

Verilife dispensaries educate and engage their communities to alter people’s opinions regarding medicinal marijuana. Hosting community events, conducting educational programmes, and collaborating with local leaders, they hope to raise awareness of cannabis’ medicinal potential.
Sustainability in Cannabis Farming

PharmaCann’s partnership with Grodan, the leader in sustainable stone wool growing methods, shows its environmental responsibility. Sustainable cultivation practises provide the best quality and purity of their medical marijuana.

A Future Evolution

After opening its first dispensary in Arlington Heights, Verilife has ambitious development goals. The Cincinnati, Ohio, facility will serve patients in a bustling retail district, improving medical cannabis exposure and accessibility. They want to expand, produce new products, and defend medical marijuana users’ rights in the future. By following its patient-centric approach, fostering empathy and compassion, and adapting to market changes, it hopes to lead the cannabis industry and enhance the lives of patients in the Eastern US and abroad.

Photo by Roberto Valdivia on Unsplash


PharmaCann’s next-generation dispensary, Verilife, serves patients seeking medical cannabis. The firm wants to influence public opinion about the plant’s medicinal benefits as it expands on the East Coast. It informs and counsels individuals of various ages and medical backgrounds, assuring comfort. Staff are trained to avoid compassion fatigue, improving dialogue with critical patients. It is spearheading the Eastern states’ push for medical cannabis programmes to replace opioids.

It organises educational activities and collaborates with local communities to promote cannabis’ medicinal advantages. They want to expand, offer new products, and promote medical marijuana. Its patient-centric strategy, empathy, and compassion aspire to lead the cannabis industry and influence Eastern US and global patients. Their dispensaries are purposefully positioned to satisfy local health, wellness, and medical specialty needs. Due to its dedication to excellent service and patient satisfaction, Verilife is well-positioned to shape the Eastern US medical cannabis sector as a pioneer.




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