Pisces Secret Superpowers

Umair Shafique
3 min readMay 6, 2019


Pisces, Your body will give you the answer to all problems equally. Your empathy is the most beautiful thing. You’re very kind in your nature but because you’re so sensitive and you feel others pain sometimes you can close down or you can just get lost within yourself and you don’t express yourself the way that you can and the cure for that is to pour that empathy into yourself to build a really strong and loving relationship with yourself to honor your intuition, to honor your feelings but not to kind of swim away and move away from the world because it’s too painful being you. Which is why Neptune’s in your sign.

The shadow side of your gift of psychic ability and empathy is that you can get carried away with the illusion side of Neptune. You might feel something and you’re on the right track but then you build it into a fantasy. You might send someone and feel that you. They’re your soul mate or you’ve known them in a past life and this may be true but then you will build a fantasy about having a life with them and you take your energy away from the here.

Now use your abilities but in a way that enhanced you and really check in with yourself to think is this fantasy or is this really because it’s the illusions that lead you along and down the rabbit hole into places that you don’t want to go. Trust your intuition and your brilliant imagination but work out which is which.

You are the most amazing lover according to Aries Love and Romance Horoscope. You’re so sensitive. You can actually merge your being with your partner and you are the greatest romantic of them all. Having said that you’re super sensitive in a relationship. It could feel wounded at the slightest thing so you have to kind of. You know what build a wall but understand that, people aren’t necessarily as sensitive or don’t have the empathy that you do. So, they may mean no harm at all and they would never dream of hurting you. They just don’t have your sense of spirit. It’s also important to use your love, romance, and empathy in a relationship. But to have some healthy boundaries don’t give your power away. The shadow side of this you merge into the other person and you lose your identity because you just love. Love so much. You’re the greatest lover of them all but it’s very important that you make yourself safe.

You know you have to be careful about who can seduce and charm you because romance kind of you are lulled into it very easily. Love yourself. Protect yourself. Create healthy boundaries. Use your empathy and your imagination and your psychic superpowers to create the life of your dreams because fundamentally you’re also a magician. You are the strongest sign to be able to manifest your desires and create magic because your soul still believes in magic.

