Taurus Secret Superpowers

Umair Shafique
3 min readMay 7, 2019


Why were you born a Taurus? Taurus you’re ruled by Venus the goddess of love. Love is one of your superpowers. When you love, you love eternally. You give it your all and that love cannot be destroyed even if you split up with someone. even if you love them where you were five years old and that love remains with you and the capacity of love can be transformed into something far more powerful. You could put that love into everything that you do.

You can literally transform your reality by being the love that you have in your heart just for some people. The thing about Taurus is that they like what’s familiar. If you sort of give yourself, you give yourself completely and if you love yourself with the way that you love others if you’re committed to yourself the way that you commit to others if you say to know why I’ve got your back to yourself and you follow through. With that, your life would change. It would have an extraordinary impact on you.

Now stubbornness is your other superpower. Some people might say, well how can stubbornness be something that’s good. Well, it allows you to stick to something. It’s true sometimes you stick too hard and too fast and you find it difficult to let go. If you turn that stubbornness into something positive, into a positive force in your own life and you stick to something that’s good for you that’s healthy for you. That helps you achieve your dreams, then anything is truly possible. Of course, we all have our in a Snape and our in a Voldemort that wants to turn our superpower into a shadowy demon. Your shadowy demon, your inner Valda Mort is whispering in your ears. The biggest demon of all for you to fight. If you find yourself in a circumstance where you are digging your heels in for the sake of it let go and surrender to the greater good of your dream. You know, you can really master that demon if you want to and when you do, you know you can really achieve a thousand times more than you are at the moment.

Now the other superpower you have is a really deep and beautiful sensuality. This sensuality has a massive impact on other people, you’re charming, you’re lovable, and you feel bonded to people quite easily. Once you let your guard down you, you see the beauty in the environment and possibly you’re a brilliant cook or you love food or you love things that are to do with the senses. If you can incorporate that and possibly one of your life plans, you can go even further than you anticipated because you have a deeper sense of those things than most other people. Now your ability to stick to a routine is extraordinary. You love it. It makes you feel safe. Again the downside of that is sometimes you get so stuck in routines that you don’t open the door to life experience. Once you open that door, you’ll be like wow. There’s a whole new and fabulous routine for me. A whole new world for me to explore and that is one of the key things. You have to use your positive superpowers for you. You have to use your positive superpowers to unlock the door that you sometimes lock yourself into a safe space because that safe space is often an illusion. When it comes to relationships you are the best friend a girl a boy or anyone indeed can have all.

The most important people in life are incredibly loyal and again that is a superpower people trust loyal people. People can surrender and give to the loyal people but don’t make that loyalty a rod for your own back sometimes. It’s time to let go of a lover, it’s time to let go of a friend to you know to be healthy, to be whole and to be able to continue your wonderful life’s journey and have other adventures and it perhaps people that suit your energy more. One of your greatest challenges is letting go and breaking routines but once you understand your true power which is to commit to a greater cause and to honor and have loyalty to yourself or will be resolved. In short Taurus Love and Romance Horoscope is the power.

