ROS 2 Mobile Robotics Series — Part 0

Sharad Maheshwari
2 min readMay 4, 2022


Note — This series is a technical documentation of me building/learning in public — Mobile Robotics in ROS2. I aim to document my personal side projects while building and learning and a Roboticist.
I’d love for you to follow or connect if you find my work interesting 😁

Hello hello hello!
I love documenting what I’m doing as a Roboticist and otherwise. I’ve worked professionally as a Robotics Engineer for some time now (I love it) and I’ve been eyeing a personal side project — Learning Mobile Robotics in ROS2.

What’s this series?

This series aims at real-time(almost) documentation of my journey with the project. We will start with setting up ROS2, basic mobile robotics packages, and then gradually putting all the pieces in place for Autonomous Navigation — localization, navigation, SLAM in ROS2.

Okay, we’re building an autonomous navigation robot. What about hardware, you ask? Everything will be done in simulation so that the project can be replicated with relative ease.

I would’ve loved to build this project with real hardware, but sourcing can be a real pain in the ass (especially for personal projects). But fear not! We will always talk about how each step relates to hardware.

This project serves two purposes

  • Learn and build in public — this enables me to share my journey and multiply my learning with access to great minds
  • Make a learning repository — learning Robotics isn’t the easiest task, and I always love the idea of making it more accessible.

So, are we all set? We’ll figure out how to build an Autonomous Navigation Mobile Robot in ROS2. This sounds like a rather long journey.
But how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. And if we don’t have answers, we’ll figure it out as we roll. Is that engineering after all?

Let’s go! Time to build 😉

Part 1 coming soon.


